The Busy Person Guide To Nutrition. Or Really anybody

Busy, stressed out and too many responsibility’s have staying on nutrition tough. This guide is for you.

You see you got make your nutrition program work for you not the other way around. I’m going to guide , on how to customize your nutrition, so its fits you.

Asses- Let’s take a few minutes asses your current situation. Big mistake is people do things, they are not yet ready for.

Test your hr in am for few days. If it’s  higher than 65. You are probably under fear amount stress, you should stay away from advance nutrition strategies . Get more sleep.

How are you kitchen skills? Do you cook well, can flavor food well with spices, do prep food well? If you said no to most of those, your going start with level 1 below.

Keep food log for a week. Whats pop out at you, that is your weak point? This should point to where, you should focus on first.

Do you have good social support? If no, your going want start slower . It might be harder for you maintain will power. So start easy and progress from there.

Are you really committed to doing or are you kinda on the fence? If your not super committed and motivated  your going want start with 1 habit every 2-3 weeks. Build some small wins first. You might tempted to do too much, we have to honest about where, we are at for this to work.

The plan

Level 1- This is for pure beginners, you have very hard time staying on most diets, you don’t cook very much, not too much social support and aren’t sure you can make any nutrition changes.

Work on 1-2 habits at item and until your extremely confident with them. If your not confident in doing them, make it easier at first.

Keep a food log and track everything.

Eating slower and stopping when your full, not stuffed.

Be present and know why your eating? Are you hungry, Are you bored or Are stressed?

Plan, shop and prep each week. You can do this for the whole week or maybe at first its just for breakfast and build on that. Another thing is plan, shop  and prep for your trouble meal. Maybe that is breakfast, lunch , snack after work etc.

Focus on not beating yourself up and feeling bad when you eat something, that you might consider bad.

Focus on eating at least 3x a day. If you prefer 4-6 that is fine but at least get 3 meals in.

Level 2-This the next step is good for beginner, who has done well before. If your ready for something more advanced but tracking calories stress you out. You are comfortable with most of level 1 habits.

Protein Eat 1-2 palm of lean protein 3-4x a day. Think meats, poultry, seafood, eggs and yogurt.

Eat more veggies and fruit- Eat veggies with each meal focus on low starch ones like broccoli, asparagus, kale, and green beans. Eat some fruit, if your trying lose fat, you should eat double the fruit you have in veggies.

Consume healthy fats- Keep it simple try have fats from animal products like meats or eggs, have some fat from plant sources such olive oil,avocados and eat fatty fish 2-3 x week or supplement with omega 3 fish oil.

Drink more water- Try to drink 20 oz when you first wake up and by the end of day drink 1/2 bw in ounces.

Carbs- Try to eat most of your starchy carbs like potato, rice, wrap etc after your intense training session.

Level 2 This for if you know a lot about nutrition and you can eat pretty healthy. You can also do all the above without a problem. You need more result from your nutrition program.

Create a deflcit-Cut 150-250 calories a day. Do this by using a calories tracker or look up common calories for foods. You’ll have a good idea, how you can reduce your foods a bit to get the scale moving. You would do the opposite if your trying to gain weight.

Ensure your not under eating-Track calories and make sure you not eating under 10x your bw for significant amount of time.

Focus on nutrition timing- Focus on eating carbs before and after you train and limit or cut them out , when you don’t.

Have a high calories day of good quality food every two weeks, to avoid your metabolism adapting to lower calorie range.

Asses-Decide how are you going track your progress. Basically how are you going know if these things are successful. You could use

-A Scale

-A measuring tape

-A body fat analyzer


-Clothes that don’t fit or are tight.

Make sure you know in what intervals  you’ll check. If you get results, don’t change a thing. If you don’t see results, ask your self this question.

-How is adherence to the habit, can it be better. A lot times you might just improve your adherence. Example going from doing something 60% of time to 80% time, can create some big changes.

-If your adherence is good, whats the next step to work on, refer to my levels, don’t move too fast. The key is making things stick long term.

There it that is your guide to how customize your nutrition if you are super busy. Be honest with your self , take action and adjust as needed.


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My Top Five Things To Find MY Motivation And Maybe Yours?

Motivation is one thing we all want. But, the truth is motivation come and goes like the sun. Sometimes its bright and shinny. Other its no where to be found.

Here are five things to think about, if your not motivated.

1.Action creates more motivation, than setting goals, watching motivation videos and looking at fitness memes. We have this myth , that we have to feel a certain way to take action. The truth is it is, just a story we tell yourself. If you need more motivation take some action and I promise you’ll have more than, you had. Even if ts just small things at first, like going for walk, drinking more water, eating a little less sugar. You’ll start to feel good, and that can be the start of your motivation.


2. Do something physical you love. There is one thing get me out of my  slump or boost my motivation(mood for that matter) than moving, exercising,etc what ever you want call it. If your lacking motivation focus on things you like to do.

I know for me these always do wonder.

-Get out side and go for walk or do some hill sprints blasting my favorites tunes. Listening to my favorite podcast too. My favorite are renegade radio and joe defranco industrial strength show.

-Do some martial arts and compete.

-Dome random bodyweight exercise, Sometimes I’ll just go in my back yard to do a random set of pull up.10485530_10152508759900135_1712537744389771718_n

Remember your not me, do something you like, maybe that is zumba, riding a bike, yoga etc.

3. Your probably stress out. I never meant a person who wasn’t  motivated and stressed at the same time. Stress kills a lot of things, but it destroys your motivation. You need to do some things for yourself and let your body and mind recover. Here is mine. Thinking about things that you enjoy and energize you. As well as doesn’t cause any stress. Example you might love jogging but going out doing 3-7 miles day, is beating the body up a bit.

For me I like

-mediation or breathing drills


-The sun

-Reaching out to people you care about and catch up.


4. Get help. We all need help at times. Don’t be too proud to ask for help. Reach out to someone, who seems more motivated. If you can try to be around them more and even train with them. Sometimes we need people to help us get started and maybe hold us accountable.

5. Do you even want this. If your still having trouble getting going. Time to ask the tough questions. Do you really even want this ? On scale 1-10 how much? Or did you think you wanted this because, your friend was doing it. Or you think that be leaner will make you happier. It may not it also may not. Sometimes being super honest with your self and coming to terms what you really want. What you really will commit to. Can be huge. You might find that you don’t want lose fat, but you just want feel better about yourself. There are loads of ways to do that, that you may enjoy better. Than stressing out about getting workouts in  you hate, lose weight and tracking a food journal.

Try a few of these out and see if it helps. The cool thing is, once you find what works for you, make it into habit or daily routine. Staying on track becomes so much easier.

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Here Is A Method That Is Helping Fall River Mom’s Shed Belly Fat!

Here are solutions to losing your body fat. I’m going share them with you. two things that have a big impact on the people I work with.

But, first you have to get your mind right. So, do you really want lose belly fat. Or are you interested?

How would your life change if you lost fat?

How would you feel different?

How would your body look?

What could you do?

Would this improve your career, relationships or self esteem?

The more it would change, the better chances you’ll do the work required?

So, what are those changes worth to you?

If there worth your time, effort and focus. The two things I’ll talk about will be help full.

Commitment is not what you say, but what you actually do?

Strategy number 1-Do resistance training 3x week. Focus on getting stronger, this works for a lot of reason. Builds/maintains muscle, boost your calorie burning rate and burns a lot of calories if done right.

Here a quick guide to strength training, do 3-4 sets of 8-15 rep per exercise. Use at least one of these moves in each workout. Try to get stronger each week, by doing more weight or reps.

squat move
upper push like pushup or chest press
hip move like a deadlift, rdl, hip thruster
upper body pull, seated row, lat pull down etc
single leg move, step up , lunge, split squat
core move, plank, roll out, renegade rows


Strategy 2 Nutrition is made to be complicated but ti doesn’t have to be. Do these two things and you’ll be doing great. Eat 30-40 protein with each meal, at least 3-4 x a day. Eat most your carbs like bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes only after you train.

Here is a list of protein you could eat think 1-2 palm sizes
egg whites
greek yogurt
protein supplement

carbs to eat after you train
sweet potato
other healthier grains

Here is what that might would look if you trained at 4pm.

meal 1 2 whole eggs 4 egg whites with pineapple

meal 2 spinach berry salad with sliced steak and goat cheese(I love me, some goat cheese)

train at 4pm

meal 3 protein shake with apple

meal 4 salmon cup rice, your favorite veggies

fruit for desert

Have fun with nutrition plug and play

Try those two things this week and see how you look and feel


P.S. If your looking for a no strings attached solution to losing fat before July 4th. Come in for a free discovery session, we’ll go over and create a plan based on your goals and the bottlenecks, you keep running into .

Apply for a consult

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3 Strategies To Lose Weight

HI! Bobby here. Today I’m going to go over 3 Strategies To Lose Weight. This is what I have done with clients for the past 15 years like my man Joe, who dropped over 100lbs doing this.

Fall River Fat loss
3 Strategies To Lose Weight

I always try to break down things down to simple steps, so I can focus more effort on the actions. Than understanding the complexity. That’s what I’ll do with these 3 Strategies To Lose Weight today.

3 Strategies To Lose Weight

  1. Get strong, the first of 3 Strategies To Lose Weight- This could mean bunch things but each week improve on a few strength moves for your lower and upper body. Do, what you like. I like mixture of weights and body weight, so that what I do. As long as you’re getting stronger most week, you’re on the right track.


  • Strength burns a lot of calories.
  • Strength makes you look good.
  • Strength training will temporarily boost the calories you burn the day after.
  • Strength builds muscle and muscle keeps your metabolism healthy. (aka you’ll burn more fat)
  • You look cool doing it.
  1. The second tip in my 3 Strategies To Lose Weight series. Eat enough and eat your protein- Eat your 10-12 x bw calories per day and eat .7-.1 gram per body weight. Use a tracker and log your food every day. Do your best hit around those ranges?

Example if your 160lbs and you want lose fat. Eat between 1600-1920 per day and 112-160 g protein per day.


  • Calories are important to lose fat.
  • Too little will get you in to trouble, so will too much.
  • All that protein will ensure you don’t fill your calories with junk.
  • You burn more calories, when consuming protein.
  • Protein fills you up longer.
  • Protein will help you maintain muscle as you shed fat, which will keep your metabolism strong.
  1. The last tip for my 3 Strategies To Lose Weight is: Sleep 8 hours Sleep gets no love. When you are a kid you hate it. When you are an adult you might like it, but avoid it because you think you’re too busy. Or maybe you like tv too much. Either way work up to 8 hours of high quality sleep. And a lot of good stuff will happen.

If you can’t do that try to at least get to bed by 10pm.


  • You will optimize your hormones and nervous system for better fat loss and muscle building.
  • Your willpower goes up.
  • You’ll be in a better mood. No one likes a moody you.
  • Craving will be better.
  • You’ll get stronger.
  • You’ll have more energy.
  • You’ll be happier

That’s it keeps it simple and become a master at those three. One more thing live the life, be as active as possible and do things. Go for walks, hikes, play with your kids etc. And everything will come together. I hope you like this article on 3 Strategies To Lose Weight

Looking for some help more help check out my IG

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5 Ways To Crush Your Race This Year?




The other week I made a video about, 5 things to work on to excel at your 5k or Spartan race/obstacle race.

Basically here it is in word, so you can swipe this, use it to guide your training this summer. If your signed up for one of these events, let dig in and train.

  1. Strength- Getting strong is super important to excel at these things. Although endurance, we don’t think strength. Endurance is a display of ones strength. It is just using a low percentage of strength and doing it for a longer time. If I get stronger and use smaller and smaller amount of my strength. A few things can happen; you do something for longer or do something faster. Plus, muscle mass can protect the impact your joints will take.

I’m not saying don’t do cardio or endurance training. Strength is foundation element as well.

How to- Lift 2-3 x week between 8-15 reps. Stick with sets 0f 2-4. Make sure you include all these movements.


Single leg

Hip hinge

Upper push

Upper pull



2.Mobilty/flexible- This might be a boring one but its totally important to avoid injuries and increase your performance. Make sure you have good amount of mobility in ankle, hips upper and shoulder. The big reason for this, if not your joints will take most the abuse instead of your muscle. That is asking for an injury. Also when your tight in places your muscle don’t fire, the way they should. This will decrease your performance.


How to- Get foam roller, lax ball and go you tube and search mobility wod. This is a great starting point.

3.Base cardio- High intensity training is huge and can be wicked effective. But, its way more effective when you have a solid foundation of cardio. Like you can go out jog at least a couple miles without stopping. Btu, if you don’t have this you might get good intervals but your recovery will always be subpar. Something people don’t know is our cardiovascular system is responsible for your body ability to recover in between sets, workout and after you do an obstacles . So, don’t neglect it.

How to-Walk, hike, jog for 20-60 minutes keeping your hr 130-150/160.


4.Interval- Here is the fun stuff at least I think so. Do intense sprints or circuits, to high end conditioning. Meaning you’re doing a lot work in a little amount time. Or tour do something really intense and recovering and repeating. If you’re going be doing an obstacle race I might stick to sprints and bw/kb exercises.

How to it- Sprint as fast you can for 15 sec, perform two body weight exercises. Rest for 1 min-2 min and repeat 9x.


  1. Specific- This is important, we can train in gym all we want and build a solid foundation. But, we want to be training for the actual event with things that will mimics what you will do. If you’re doing 5k, your cardio should be jogging. If you’re doing an obstacle course, you should try get some where you practice those.

How to- Check out gym like Vitality gym in Fall River or even play ground that might similar obstacle like monkey bars.



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Ways To Super Charge Your Results?

Summer is roaring on it ways. Most of us want fast results.

Today I have 6 things you can do to supercharge your result, with things you are, probably already doing.

  1. Cut calories- If your trying to cut calories, here is how to super charge it. Interval your calories every day 2-3 days. Example eat 8-10x your bw than eat 11-13 your body weight. This will make sure your metabolism doesn’t tank.

Example if your 150 pounds, you might do 1200 for 2 days and then you 1650 for the next two day.


  1. If you’re on a low carb diet. Do something similar boost those carbs up to 150-200 2-3 day week. The best day would heavy lifting days. So maybe it look like this

Mon low carb

Tues high carb

Wed low carb

Thurs high carb

Fri low carb

Sat high carb day

Sun low carb

  1. If your lifting and you want better result. Increase your training frequency. Say you want more developed glutes if your girl or pec if your dude. Do heavy day early in the week and on another day do less weight more reps. That’s a rep day.


Mon heavy weight mid range reps 5-8

Thursday moderate weight and more reps 10-15


  1. Cardio- If you are doing cardio, whatever it is. Super charge it by mixing up high and low days. Take two days and do intense things like circuits, hill sprints, intervals on a machine . Than pick 2 day do very low intensity like walking, hiking, riding a bike etc.


  1. If you’re eating better and training. There a simple way to improve the benefits from all that stuff. Just sleep more, trying to get 7-8 hours. If you improve your sleep, everything your already do becomes more effective. Try it for month and see what happens.

Hope these supercharges helps. Don’t do them all at once. But, really focus on two and you’ll get awesome results.


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6 Reasons Why You Won’t Be Bikini Ready This Year?

Every year there are people, who strive to get in shape , to feel and look there best. But, they don’t end up making it happen.

I want to share with you 6 pitfalls that if you avoid them, you ‘ll get the body you want.

  1. Perfection – You think you have to be perfect to get results. When you’re not, your emotional reaction to a bad weekend or meal will cause you to quit or throw it out the window for weeks at time.

Solution – Strive to be better a little each week. You don’t need to be perfect, you need to be better than you were last week.


  1. You will do too much cardio and not enough weights. You may lose weight, but because if you lost muscle due to lack of strength training, you won’t look the way you expected.

Solution – lift 2-4 x a week.

strength 3

  1. You won’t mix up your cardio, you’ll do too much high intensity or not enough. Too much high intensity will lead to overuse of muscles and  injuries and insufficient recovery. Releasing more stress hormones as well as limiting your results.

Solution – Mix up low intensity cardio like walking, sled pushes, light jogging, hiking with intense version like sprints, circuit and interval training.


  1. You will work on everything except for sleep. You may improve your nutrition and start working out. But, your lack of poor quality sleep will get the best of you.

Solution – Get 7-9 hours of sleep or gradually improve it by doing relaxing things before bed.


  1. You’ll focus on calories first, while you ignore the importance of quality nutrients like protein, fats, vitamins and H20 can have on your body.

Solution – Start eating healthy doses of nutrients, then worry about portion sizes. Here is a quick guide line:

Eat 3-4 servings of protein a day

Eat 3-4  servings of veggies per day

Include healthy fat with each meal

Note – I’m not saying calories aren’t important. Calories are very import to lose fat; but like anything, too much reduction to fats is big mistake.

Drink 1-2 cups with most meals

Eat healthy starchy carbs after your workout

  1.  Your struggles, failures and setbacks destroy you. Instead of teaching you lessons, you will focus more on how much it sucks to struggle and how hard it can be. This will be your biggest setback

Solution – Start seeing struggles and failures as a lesson. What is it teaching you and how can you do it better next time? What could you do differently? How could you be more prepared to put yourself in a better position to succeed?

Try to do this most days, Write in a note book:

What happened to you?

Why is it positive?

What is the lesson you learned?

How can you apply it to your nutrition and workouts?

There are the  6 reasons why most will fail.  If you can overcome them you’ll be on your way.


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The Five Facts about Your Metabolism

If you read about losing fat or fitness stuff you’ll see thing like:


Metabolic exercise or workout

Metabolic rate

Metabolic boosting foods

It’s often a word people really relate to fat loss, that is used to market a certain exercise or nutrition.

Here are five facts to shed some light on what is and it is not.

  1. Define it.

Metabolic- Relating to metabolism, the whole range of biochemical processes that occur within us (or any living organism).

Metabolism is a term that is used to describe all chemical reactions involved in maintaining the living state of the cells and the organism.

It doesn’t really have to do with fat loss. Yes, some these chemical reactions can contribute to fat loss but they can also contribute to weight gain.

  1. Your metabolic rate- How these are used most often, are to refer to the amount of calories your body will burn by itself. So think of it like this: if you sat on the coach all day you’d burn a certain amount of calories, no matter what. This is related to lifestyle and lean muscle mass.

So when the workout claims to be metabolism boosting it’s usually because:

–  It will build muscle which may have elevated your daily metabolic rate.

– Of the stress of the workout, has temporarily elevated your metabolic rate, so you can recover from said workout

– When they talk about metabolic food. There are calories burned, when you consume foods. Some foods will take more energy/calories to digest.

  1. 6 meals a day myth- There is a thought that if you eat more frequently you’ll burn more calories because of the calories burnt through digestion. That might say it boosts your metabolism. This isn’t true. The amount of energy you burn through digestion is related to the total amount of calories consumed not the frequency. If you eat 1500 calories in 3 meals or 6 meals; it won’t make a difference as affecting your metabolism.
  2. Build muscle to build up your metabolism- This is why strength training can be huge to help shed fat. As we get older, we lose muscle mass and our metabolic rate goes down. So, as we get older we burn less and less calories. Strength training can reverse that.


  1. Conditioning – If you run or do high intensity sessions for the purpose of fat loss, the most effective thing is changing it up. Your body gets used to it and it gets more efficient at it and it will burn less calories and it won’t lift your metabolic rate as much.


An example: if you start running, at first you’ll burn a lot of calories than after you start getting good at it, you’ll burn less and less. This is because your body has become more efficient so it doesn’t have to use as much energy

I hope that gives you a good idea about what your metabolism is or isn’t, also a couple of ideas on how to boost it as well.


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23 Ways to Build Muscle

It’s getting nice out and everyone wants to get lean and look good. Building lean muscle has a lot to do with it.

  • It will help burn more fat
  • Allow you to eat more crabs while getting leaner
  • Make you look good in those summer outfits
  • Feel empowered and give you a ton of energy.

So, I broke down 23 ways to build muscle. I wouldn’t try to do all 23, all at once; however, pick 2-3 and dominate them. Then once you’re comfortable, you can add more.

strength 1

  1. Do more compound exercises that will involve many muscles such as doing squats, presses, deadlifts, hip thrust, rows and lunges versus curls, leg extensions, and calf raises.
  2. Increase the weight you use each week, it will ensure faster results.
  3. Train the muscle you want to develop more frequently. Want better legs? Then train legs 2-3x a week.
  4. Don’t rush through the reps. Take 2 seconds to lower and then lift it fast.
  5. Make sure you get enough sleep and have 2-3 recovery days, to build muscle.
  6. Eat carbs after you train like jasmine rice, potatoes, yams etc.
  7. Pause at the bottom of an exercise for 3-10 sec. It’s an amazing way to get better gains
  8. Train in rep ranges from 6-15. Make sure you change them every few weeks.
  9. Don’t be afraid to lift heavy, it’s the easiest way to get the definition you’re looking for.

strength 3

  1. You don’t have to go to failure to get results. Keep a few reps in the tank.
  2. To build better glutes do hip-thrusters a few times a week, they will work better than squats
  3. If you want to get a bigger upper body doing more chest presses, dips, pushups, chin-ups, and lat pull-downs are the way to go.


  1. Heavy single leg exercises suck but are super effective for fat burning and building muscle in the butt and thighs.
  2. Carry heavy stuff around like farmer walks, rack walks or waiter walks
  3. Every once in a while do heavy 20-30 reps of squats, they suck but will give you an unbelievable workout and boost your gains
  4. Train hard but be smart. Don’t do things that beat your joints up.
  5. Slowly increase the amount of work you do. Beginners don’t need that many sets, as you get more advanced, you’ll want to do more total sets.
  6. Don’t neglect your core, build a strong core with planks, bridges, jackknifes, fall outs and renegade rows.
  7. Learn how to roll your muscles out with a foam roller and/or a lacrosse ball (they will thank you)
  8. Take a week off every 8-12 weeks or do a light week. This will go a long way to help you avoid injuries and plateaus.
  9. Change your workout every 4-6 weeks. Your muscles do get used the same movements.
  10. Train with a buddy who has similar goals. The session will be more fun and the results will be better.
  11. Have a performance goal to strive for with your fat loss goal. Such as deadlifting your body weight, doing 5-10 straight chin-ups or pushups.


There are a lot of tips, so get to work and enjoy the process and have fun!

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The Truth About Getting Bulky

This is one myth that trainers and coaches have been trying to kick to the curb for years
“Will I get bulky if I lift weights?”

Most say no. Females don’t have enough testosterone and they have to eat a lot calories to do so.
I’m not looking to rehash any generic response, but to give you my opinion and little information on this. But first lets rewind.

Why would a women want to lift anyway?
Here are the benefits:
– Having more muscle burns more fat
– Most people rather have toner arms, tighter legs and a firmer butt
– It is really empowering to be strong, if that’s doing your first chin-up or dead lifting your own body weight.
– It is great for your bones.
– It allows you to eat more delicious carbs without getting fat.
Clearly these are excellent reasons to start lifting. In my experience talking with people every week, people want to lose more fat and build enough muscle to look tighter.
Now that we have gone over why we lift, lets go over 5 truths about the bulky look.
1. For the most part, it is true that women will have a very hard time packing muscle on but there are females who can do it very well. They have good genetics for it and if you know your body and you can make simple changes. Basically muscles has to be maintained,so if you’re getting too big then stop working that muscle.
2. Before you jump to the conclusion, I have built too much muscle. Can you be positive that it’s not excess fat on top of a little muscle? Sometimes when people strength train but don’t change there nutrition, this can happen. Get your nutrition down and you might get the look your looking for.
3. If feel you’re getting too big, here are three ideas:
– Reduce calories
– Decrease the amount of work you do on that muscle group.
– Do more cardio. Cardio does the exact opposite of building muscle tone.
4. Train the muscle you want to actually develop. If you want to work your butt but all you do are leg presses ,lunges and squats then cut back on that a bit and do exercises that will target the glutes more.
5. Lower your body fat first and see how you look and feel. Before you call yourself bulky. Also eat healthier foods, that give you more nutrients instead, of processed foods. They can mess around with your hormones and that cause you to hold more fat in those trouble spots.
Hope that helped with any misconception about what lifting can do to the female body

If you want lose fat and build muscle at the same time, no bulk here. Apply for our 12 week program:

Strong & Sporty Challenge

P.S. -That is a client over our, she lifts a couple times each week. Dead lift over 200lbs.

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