Fight Fat with Food

This is kind of funny, right?  We gain weight and lose weight with same thing – Food.

It is what got us in this mess in the first place and now we need food to get us out of it.

Losing your fat around your stomach, thighs and arms can be difficult, but I’m here to show you 5 ways to do it with nutrition.

These are essential habits: I do not recommend doing all of these at once, but focus on one at time. Get really good at one then add in the next. If you spend the next 8-12 weeks doing this, you’ll be in awesome shape by June. I promise you.


Let’s hit the ground running!


  1. Track and reflect- Keeping some type of food journal. This has to be number 1. This will show us what you need to work on. This doesn’t mean tracking when it’s ideal, but doing it all the time.

This is going do a few things:

– Teach us discipline to do something on a consistent basis.

– This will start to bring awareness to your limitations. You’ll find yourself making small improvements due to this awareness.

The second part of this is takes time once week to sit down with your log. Look at it and think of what you did great and what you need to work on. This is huge because this is when you learn more and more about yourself and your behavior.

It’s not sexy like a detox, or low carb diets, or fat loss pills but, its powerful.


  1. Plan, shop and prep- This is gold, here. You get good at this, everything we do from this point on, becomes easier. It is the most important thing you could do. I would even say if you need to skip a workout to do this, then do it because it will be more productive than another workout you could do. Here is what it means:


Plan -Whatever your focus of the week is next week, plan what you’ll eat, even if it’s not for the whole week or every meal. For example: you might just be focusing on protein for breakfast. You’ll sit down and write out what you’ll have on those days. Guys don’t get overwhelmed. If this is stressful the first week could just be a plan for Monday and Tuesday then go from there.


Shop- This is self-explanatory; however, shop for what is on your plan


Prep- This is where the gold is. If you prep and have a healthier and tasty meal at your fingertips, it’s going to be a lot easier to make changes than just willing it, or trying to figure it out as you go along. Here is what I might do on Sundays, although it doesn’t have to be a Sunday.


– I’ll put 3-4lbs of chicken in the crock pot and slow cook it.

– Sauté some steak or beef up

– I’ll chop up veggies, such as: onions, peppers and asparagus

– I’ll pre-cook veggies sometimes but not all the time.

– I’ll cook 4 cups of rice in the rice cooker

– Sometimes pre-cut and/cook sweet potatoes


What this allows me to do is put meals together in 5-15 minutes as well as allows for ease. Some people do the whole 30 plastic containers, with meals already portioned out. I don’t do that, not that it wouldn’t work but mine is simple and doable. That is what I like about it.

Also here are some daily preps I might do too:

Night before prep smoothie – putting frozen fruit, spinach, 1 cup of yogurt in a blender cup, So the next morning I just add liquid and go.

You could make an omelet for an easy heat up the next day or frittata too.

  1. Focus on eating protein with each meal. You might not do this one week. You might focus on protein for breakfast and then once you’ve got that down, you add lunch and then dinner. Go at the pace you need to, in order to be successful.
  1. Improve your carbohydrates. We eat processed carbs all the time and in big quantities. If you can improve your carbs in a way that they have less calories and be more nutritious and more filling then you’re going to get awesome results. Here are a few examples:

– Replace early morning carbs with fruit and a protein food.

– Replace pasta and bread at night with things such as: jasmine rice, sweet potatoes or regular potatoes, etc.

– Replace your sandwich with protein over a salad.

4. Always be leaning and acting- This stuff is tough. You will have days and even weeks that will be hard, but the way to get good at this stuff and make this doable is: Learn from your mistakes and failures. Don’t punish yourself with shame, guilt and negative thoughts. When you slip up, learn a lesson from each slip up and act on that lesson and you’ll get to great places.

I thought I would post some resources that will teach you how to cook and make your food tasty and delicious.

Books I recommend:

-Fed Well-

-Thug kitchen

-Gourmet nutrition

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Here are some meals I have eaten the past week:


If you feel like you need more than information to be successful with nutrition, then apply for a free strategy session to success, to create  the best plan for you is and no one else.

Apply here


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10 Minute Home Workout, super simple but effective

Really quickly wanted to lay out 4 easy drill you can do at home to get a great workout.

Hit these four moves or variation of them , for 8-10 reps for 15 minutes. Go through it as many times as you can


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6 Ways to Get Bigger and Sculpted Muscles by June

I know it’s been raining and gloomy this week but before we know it, the sun will be out. It will be time to hit our beaches and maybe vacation somewhere tropical for a few of us.

Don’t wait to get in awesome shape. For us that probably means:

 Build Muscle

 Lose Fat

 Feel more energetic

 Maybe even perform better

This can be harder and harder to do as we get older, testosterone starts to drop and responsibilities pile up. We start to not feel like ourselves anymore.

Man I’m here to give you 6 fool proof ways to do all of those things, but you’ve got to start this today.

No bull shit excuse. Not tomorrow or next Monday, today. One of the best things to strengthen is your  bullshit meter. Do you know when your stories are bull shit?

Let’s get started:

1. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz- As much as we’ve got to do cool workouts or get more nutrition tips, as we get older our bodies take longer to recover. Testosterone plummets and stress hormones increase. The best thing to do, for real is get high quality sleep. So you optimize your hormones and have better will power, better strength and increase testosterone.

2. Hit the weights- We can complicate this all day long with reps, schemes, tempo and what days you should do them. Keep it simple and hit every body part at least twice a week. Whatever you do, make it harder each week. You can do this in a couple of ways:

– Lift heavier weights (as long as your form doesn’t change)

– Do more reps.

– Do more sets

– Slow down the tempo (example: take 3 seconds lowering, 1 second pause and then explode up.)Do more work in less time by decreasing the amount of time you rest in between sets. If you do that each week, you’ll be doing more work and you’re bound to get results.


3. Nutrition- Again we can over complicate this until the cows come home. But here is the thing: every diet will work if you do these things:

– Have a plan

– Follow the plan the best you can

– Adjust your plan based on your results

Here is how we are going keep it simple at least 3-4 x’s a day do this:

1-2 palm sizes of protein -meats, fish, poultry, eggs and yogurt is cool too

1-2 hand scoops of carbs, fruits and/or starches

1-2 fist sizes of veggies

1-2 thumb size of fats to cook with

If you do that you’ll get results as long as you watch your results and adjust them as necessary. If you’re getting fat, then decrease the carbs and fats. If your muscles are getting smaller, eat more of the carbs


4. Learn how to cook- Prep/cook meats and veggies. You want to be bigger and more cut, then perform at high levels, even at a higher age. It’s about time to learn how to cook. Check out these resources:

– Thug kitchen-

– Gourmet nutrition-

5. Stress makes you fat and weak- Man you’ve got to manage stress better. If you’re constantly stressed, getting pissed all the time and stressed out; especially if this effect s your sleep, calm down and try to have less stress. I know that is horrible advice, when your life is full of constant shit storms. Here is what works for me:

– Doing low intensity exercises relaxes and burns calories and also helps you recover faster. I love walking especially at the beach.or even trails.

– Doing belly breathing drills will double to decrease fat storing hormones, help back pain, and calm you down. Check this out

– Dedicating time to things you love to no matter what. You’ve got take care of you. Or at one point you won’t be good to anyone.

– We all have aggression in some form of or another, find ways to channel it. If that’s playing sports with your friends or taking up martial arts, running, etc. If you don’t do this it will eventually be released in the wrong place.


6. Thoughts, reflection and growth – This is kind of some emotional shit but, mindset is important. I would be doing you a disservice by not talking about it.

– Thoughts-: Your thoughts will harm you sometimes, especially if you believe every thought that goes through your head. The ones that tell you to quit or that you’re not doing the work you set out to do today. You can’t believe them. Question them and investigate them. See if they’re true. Some will be, some won’t be. This is fucking important. If you don’t do this you’ll always be derailed.

Reflection – Reflecting on your workouts, your nutrition and your thoughts. Reflecting on those, so you can learn a lesson is the best way to grow, because failure and mistakes without a lesson is a waste.

Growth – If you commit to being a little better each week then you’ll get where you want to be. It won’t happen in one week. You probably won’t be able to make all these changes in each week but if each week your sleep, workouts, nutrition and mindset get better, then you‘ll be who you want to be.

That my friends, is fucking awesome!

Want a free 30 day plan to build bigger and sculpted muscles. Click the picture below and start getting results.


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10 Reasons Why Planet Fitness Is The Best Gym For You:

There was a time when I despised this place and everything they stood for. I hated that they gave out pizza, that you couldn’t dead-lift and that they encouraged comfort over results. I have grown up a bit.

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The thing is; a gym like that might be just what you need, or maybe not. Read this and see if this helps you make a better choice.

  1. Comfort – It’s a comfortable gym, where you’ll feel confident going in and getting a good sweat. If that’s what you desire then at most, it is just to be a little active so you can feel better about yourself. Although there isn’t any pressure to do your best and they don’t hold you accountable, so that you can hit your goals on time; however, if that isn’t your thing then who cares.

2. Purple – If you like the color purple it’s awesome. I’m not a big fan of purple. If it’s your favorite color, you’ll be happy.

  1. Pizza – Now like most people, I like pizza too. So, if you like pizza as well, free pizza is definitely plus. Especially if it’s your goal to exercise, so you can treat yourself then this is your place, but for my gym we like to build healthy habits; not that we don’t eat pizza, we just don’t want to build that relationship. We don’t want the reason we exercise, only to eat delicious  food. We exercise to be our best self, to feel better, to look better and to do cool stuff.
  2. $10 month -It definitely is cost effective. So, if you don’t feel you want to invest in your fitness that much, then that is definitely a great option. For me though, the time, effort, energy and dollars you  invest in something shows how much you value it. There is something to be said for having no problem buying the newest iphone but never wanting to spend more than few dollars a day to workout. But, to each their own.
  3. No yelling – This can be a plus especially if you don’t want to hear people yell as they lift. I sometimes yell when I lift. For few reasons: its makes me sound really cool and help me lift heavier loads (or so I tell myself). But, if that is not your thing, then that’s another bonus for planet fitness.
  4. Machines – They have a lot of machines. It makes exercising easier to do. Not much of a learning curve. Not like us, we do a lot of body weight and weighted exercises. So, we usually have to dedicate the first class to teaching all of our basic movements, It does take some practice, but the results are better.20150904_063034

7. Free personal training- Free is awesome especially when it’s a trainer, that can help you with your goals, customize your workout, help you with your nutrition and keep you accountable. I’m glad they’re offering this for free.  I just hope they’re good. I remember when I first left WOW (like five years ago) weeks after I left, my old clients messaged me to tell me that all of the new trainers would do is put them through these boring machine circuits and they felt that they could do that by themselves.

8. No judgment zone – There a quote I love. “There are two types of people, the player and the people on the side line. The players are on the court sweating and giving it there all, trying to achieve what they truly desire. Win or lose they will leave all out there. Then, you’ve got the people on the side line, who are super quick to judge and criticize. The truth about them is that they simply don’t have courage to fail and give it their best”

You will always be judged

You can play it safe or try your best not to be judged and then be judged anyway.

You can go all in and try to do what you truly want, but you’ll still be judged.


If you think you want a little more than what most gyms offer, it’s time to step it up and join me for free consultation. Click above


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Why You Will Fail Your Fat loss Goals?

Bobby why so negative, you may ask? One of the best ways to succeed is to know, Why You Will Fail Your Fat loss Goals?

Then you can over come these obstacles and make your goals happen.

I crafted this list of the most common Why You Will Fail Your Fat loss Goals?.

If you avoid these you could lose that fat, build muscle and feel the best you’ve felt in years. So you can have feel amazing.

Why You Will Fail Your Fat loss Goals?

1. You’re not going to start ASAP. And depending on your body and how much fat you want to lose. You will have set yourself up for failure. Start ASAP and build long-term habits. There is never the right time

2. You’re going to do too much at once and not last long enough, to see the results you want. For example working out 6 x a week trying change your whole diet at once,  is a recipe for failure. Plus it makes us fatter in the long run. Slow changes over time.

3. You won’t lift, so although you may lose some weight. You are not going to look how you want to look in that bathing suit this summer.

Why You Will Fail Your Fat loss Goals?

4. You will let one bad meal or weekend stop you cold. No one meal will stop you but your emotional response to it, will stop you cold. Don’t personalize failure or setback. Instead, learn from them. Most people do this is Why You Will Fail Your Fat loss Goals?

5. You don’t have the right people around you to make it all the way. If you want to go fast. Go alone but if you want to go far come with us. Surround yourself like-minded individuals.

For me tip on fitness go here

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How to be a Fast and Swole power-lifter!

Hey man,  I was inspired to write this article. A client of mine sent this video, about how to be powerlifter. It’s basically teasing a power lifter. It is one of those “bro gym tip” videos

Check it out, it hilarious

But, what it made me think of is how most dudes literally stay in one part of what I call man fitness. You usually either like or consider yourself a:





-functional training guy

-sprints or interval guy

-MMA guy

So, we tend to stay in our area your most comfortable in. We might even shit on the other area we don’t do or like with jokes and what not.

I do it from time to time and you know you probably do it as well.

But, for me guys I eventually got older and it started to resonate more with multiple areas. As I explored, I saw that each one can be, a really awesome tool.

For me I wanted to be bigger, stronger, more athletic & faster but at the same time not feel like I was falling apart.  As I truly like to compete, I’m drawn to martial arts.

So in light of all these tools, I have discovered..

Here is how to be a Faster, Swoler Powerlifter.

That really just means putting on size that actually produces massive strength and performance, so you can do all the shit you truly want do or even feel.

Take these 5 tips, dabble in what makes you uncomfortable and get bigger, faster and stronger.

You might just find that in the process you get leaner, you feel like a stronger person, your more confident and happier.

  1. Eat like arsenal man. Powerlifter and even bodybuilder have justified eating shit food or eating way too much of it, because they are a powerlifter or they’re bulking up. You want it all, but eat reasonably.

Like: Eating protein, veggies, and carbs before and after training, in a reasonable amount. It might also help to think about eating, in way that adds energy instead of making you feel tired and run down.

Example: eating steak, sweet potatoes and asparagus vs. a cheeseburger and fries. They both have protein, fats & carbs, but one will probably make you feel better.

  1. Don’t train like a dumbass: Power-lifters have a tendency to destroy their bodies by the time they’re 40-50 years old. Inherently this is why lifts, squats, bench and deadlifts get a bad rep. When you do stuff with bad form or do exercises that are painful (I’m not talking about exercise pain) such as elbow killing when you bench or your lower back is on fire when you deadlift. These exercises are great and if you learn how to do them correctly and don’t let lifting turn into a pissing contest, they are great for you. Do this:

-Learn how to do each exercise properly, so you feel it, in the right muscle.

-Master the form before you really push the weight.

-When you start pushing the weight, never train into pain. It will eventually catch up with you.

-If the exercise causes pain, just do a different exercise.

If you do this you’re going to get bigger, strong as hell without feeling like a 90 year old man after you deadlift.

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  1. Get your swole on– Doing exercises with the right tempo and/or picking exercises that are better suited for high reps are gold to build size, cuts and muscular development. Body builders have this down. Here are a few ideas on how to do this right, for better gains:

– Always lower the weight for 2-3 sec and explode up. This completely changes an exercise.

-There are some exercises that are better suited for this type of training. Things like deadlifts are not. Think of doing pushups, rows, chin ups, lunges etc.

-Stick to 8-20 reps, although this style of training is more about pump and squeezing your muscles. Push the weight and try to lift a little heavier each week.

-The strength you have makes this style, a ton more effective. That is why strength is the foundation for ability. If you’re really strong; when you do more bodybuilding style lifting, you have the ability to train the muscle harder.

-Here is how we combine both at OMR: Do a power lift at the beginning of the workout and then after that do 3-5 exercises, that are high in reps or more about tempo and squeezing your muscle.

Bonus – Add an isometric, which is pausing and holding that position. They are a killer. Example: do as many lat pull downs, then hold the last rep at the bottom as long as you can. Do rows and hold for 2sec at your chest for each rep.

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  1. Do legs like an Athlete – If you play any pick up games with friend or in some type of league or whatever it is; if its softball, football or basketball, is there anything better than talking shit to your buddy you just smoked? Then get off the leg presses, leg extension and leg curl machine and do this

3 simple lifts

Squat/deadlift heavy 3-6 reps

Single leg exercise, split squats, lunge 8-12 reps for 3-4 sets

Do hip exercises like hip thrusters, RDL, back extensions etc. 10-15 reps for 3-4 sets

Do that for 90 days and you’ll be a completely different athlete.

  1. Sprint– Learn how to do this and do 1-2 times a week. You can sprint

Up hill

At a gym

Shuttle sprints 10-15 yards

Use a sled or prowler.

Simple reasons you’ll burn fat, be faster and smoke your friends in everything you do together.


sled push

  1. Remember you’re the asset– Just remember you’re the asset. How you take care of yourself is directly affecting your ability to be there for others and provide; whatever that may be for you as a husband, father, son, brother or as friend. Think about how strong you are mentally, physically and emotionally. It can either be an asset or a liability. So, take care of yourself and great things will happen. Then you can be a better person to everyone who is important to you.

If what you read today resonated with you,

I’m launching my 8 week mansformation this week.

Simply you’ll:

Build muscle

Getting super strong

Have a ton of energy

Become a better athlete

You’ll start feeling empowered to everything you truly desire

If you’re down with that, apply here. If it doesn’t then don’t bother, this program isn’t for everyone






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10 Things You Must Upgrade to Lose Unwanted Fat and Build Awesome Muscles this year!

Hey guys good morning! I wanted to bust out a blog to talk about all the things you might want to consider to do differently and/or better this year. To completely make this year like no other.

You see I’ve been training for 11 years and coaching for 7. Something awesome happens when people get stronger, lose fat, build muscle and accomplish something that is truly challenging in more than one way.

They grow and become a better version of themselves and start to have a more awesome life. Yeah of course they have less fat, more muscle and their clothes fit better, but they suddenly:

-Have more confidence

-Start to believe in their ability to do challenging things.

-They do things that the old version of them would have never done.

-They more energy for things and for the people they love.

-They are happier and less moody and depressed.

If you just apply a couple of these things and really get good at it; I’m telling you, you might just change more than your body.

Here we go

  1. Question your excuse, stories & negative feelings. – This is one powerful, often times it’s not that we don’t know what to do, but we just can’t seem to do it. All thoughts, past failures create a mindset of procrastination out of fear. If you can stop and ask yourself these three questions, you’ll start to disable a lot these stories that may seem true but when investigated, has no fact behind it. Once we can do that the power over the story gets disarmed.


Example: I can’t lose fat, it is in my genes to be fat


  1. Is that true? You might truly believe this to be true, so may you say yes.
  2. Am I 100% certain it has to be true? (in other words: there is no way in hell, I could be wrong about this.) Now you have to really think about the fact here, what proof do I have? Like what have I done to lose fat? Have I really been as consistent as I say I am? Etc. The answer is probably no, you’re not %100 sure.
  3. How do I react when I think this thought or story? You might say something like this: “I feel I have no control over losing fat and It makes me just want to quit. I keep thinking, what’s the point?”
  4. Who would I be? How would I feel or how would I act, if I couldn’t think this thought?

I might be able to focus on my plan and improve on a plan instead of feeling that it is worthless and futile.  I might be less stressed about myself belief of limitation and be able to do better work.

Often times it’s our thoughts that go uninvestigated that cause the biggest obstacle. Doing this exercise each morning and good things will happen to you.

  1. Sleep and Recovery- If there is a drug or supplement that could help you:

Lose fat

Build Muscle


Better recovery from your life and workout

Optimize your hormones

Improve will power

Improve brain power

Keep you focused

Improve your mood

Help you control your appetite and craving more

Everyone would be swarming to it. But, this is exactly what happens when you start to get better sleep. The power can be amazing.  Get 7 to 8 hours a night is one of the easiest ways to get results.


  1. Manage your Energy- This is critical if you don’t manage your energy, you‘ll eventually burn out.

Have you ever done a diet that went well, you lost weight only to gain it all back? You reached a point where you couldn’t diet at all anymore. You got burnt out and suddenly you couldn’t get back on track and you wonder why.  Instead focusing on the hardest things, focus on the things that may be a little easier but you can do on a consistent basis. Then be aware when you need to dial it back. You can’t go 110% all the time and expect that you’re not going burn out; especially if you’re the caregiver for your family. What good are you if you’re so burnt out, that you can’t give as much as you want to?

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  1. Food prep and journal- This should be the first thing people master in order to lose fat. Nutrition is the key to losing fat, and doing these two things will make the most dramatic improvement. Willpower is overrated, if you’re prepared, you are much better at eating how you like. Even if you have to skip a workout to spend that time prepping food, it would be well worth it.

As far as the food journal goes: get comfortable logging everything in each week and review at the end of the week and look to see what few simple ways you can improve on it. If you did that for 52 weeks, you would be eating pretty well. I’m guessing you’d look pretty good for it and another thing: don’t have any shame for whatever you put in it. I don’t care if its ice cream, cakes, wine or some beers. You don’t have to be perfect to get results. What you eat has no reflection on you as a person. Just wait to see what kind of changes will happen.

  1. Protein –Eat protein with each meal 4x a day. This will help you build muscle & fight hunger. I’m sure you have heard this plenty of times, just make it a habit already.

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  1. Eat some healthy fats, but not too much – People are usually too extreme with fats, some saying it is bad and should be avoided or they think to have a whole bag of chips and have a ton of it. The truth in life: awesome seems to be in the middle. Make sure you consume some fat at each meal, but fats do contain more calories than other food so eat them in moderation. Example:

Cook with these healthy fats: butter, olive oil & coconut oil

Avocados are a great source of healthy fat, just don’t eat a whole one in one sitting

Proteins, like beef and fatty fish

Nuts 12-20 is usually a serving

Flax seeds

  1. Carbohydrates- Another one that has much controversy. The paleo people/Atkins will tell you that Carbs are the route to all evil. Well body builders for years have used them, to be the leanest people on the planet. Again the answer is in the middle. Here some facts to consider:

– If you train hard such as: lift, high intensity workouts, long endurance work. Eat starchy carbs 1-3 times day with your meals. A must if you’re trying to build muscle or tone up.

– The more natural and usually the better: I like jasmine rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, sweet potatoes and potatoes

– If you don’t exercise often a lower carb diet, might be best.

– My recommendation since I do advocate for strength and interval training is:

– If you’re trying to lose fat, only eat after you train.

– If you’re trying to maintain or build muscle, eat with 2-3 meal a day


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  1. Get Strong- When people think fat loss, it’s usually all about this intense cardio workout but strength training will make you look better, boosts your natural ability to burn calories even when you’re being lazy. It will allow you to eat more carbs, and that is always a good thing. So start doing some sort of strength training. You can do power lifts, kettlebell stuff, body weight stuff, just pick one and get strong and fit.
  2. PR-That means personal record – To truly get the muscle build effect of strength training, there is one rule you must obey: That is you should continue trying to do more work each time on that exercise. So, that might mean this week you do more reps, more weight, less rest. But each week if you’re trying to increase the work you do, you’re going to get strong. That will burn fat and build muscle.

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  1. Cardio and moving- I used to be pretty arrogant about this and say do interval training. I have a broader view of it now. I personally enjoy intense cardio like hill sprints, circuit, complexes etc. although it doesn’t have some benefits over regular cardio. What is most important especially if you’re lifting is just move more and break a sweat doing what you like to.

For me I like to:



Play sports

But, you can do almost anything as long as it physical and you get your heart rate up.


So maybe you like things like:





Spin etc.


Just move 2-4 x week and you’ll get your cardio and if you pick what you love, you’ll eventually enjoy it.


  1. Bonus – As hippie as this sounds – Love yourself. Stop beating yourself up for your failures and the all the negative things you feel about yourself. If you appreciate yourself more, you’d be surprised how easier it gets, to be motivated and stay motivated.


Here’s to you and an awesome year!


I’m going to talk to you about my 8 week challenge coming up. If you have no interest in training with us, please disregard this. I appreciate you reading my stuff and I truly hope it helps you.


So, I have this 8 week challenge and it starts on Jan 16th. If you are sick of trying to lose weight or maybe build muscle with no success. This program could be exactly what you could use to launch yourself to be the person you want to be. You’ll lose fat, build muscle, feel great about yourself and have fun doing it. If you’re interested, please apply here. We are only taking 20 people

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4 Ways to stay lean while enjoying the Holidays!

The next couple of weeks are weeks of stress, rushing & business. But, its also going be time of good food, time with friends and family, that we cherish.

Sometimes when those things are combined, we have a tendency to take time off of our fitness goals.

That’s usually a recipe for disaster because:

-Most of the time people wont get back for week, month after the holidays are over

-Training your mind when things get tough, you quit.

-That taking care of self comes last when things get hectic

-Undo the habit building you’ve worked hard for the

As we often think it has to be all or nothing. We have to train and eat how we want and if we can’t, we’ll do nothing.

It doesn’t have to be like that.

Here are 4 way to still lose fat & build muscle during the next couple weeks.

1. Just do the work. This is over simplified but don’t quit working out. Maybe you can do usally an hour

workout 3-4x a week. But, you can’t tell me you have no time do anything. Even if its 10-20 minutes it is still better than nothing and the psychological aspect from maintaining a workout, will help you feel better about yourself and make eating a whole lot easier too. You don’t have time you say to do this 3x week?

Warm up

Jumping jax 30

Backwards lunges 5 each

Squats 10 each

Push up 5 each

Plank 30 sec

Burpies 10 each

X-mas work template

Squat variation:  jump squats. Drop squats, body weight squats

Pushup variation: pushup on couch, pushup regular, spider pushups

Single leg variation: split squat, lunge, step up, Bulgarian split squat

Upper back variation: rows with dumbbells or band, pull part with band, ywt iso holds

Core varation: plank, crunches, sit ups, ab roller

Do each one for 10-20 minutes depending on time. There are two ways to do this.

Density –Set your reps for each move from any where between 8-15 and run though as many times as

possible, while resting as little as possible.

Interval- Set each move for time and ration on each minute. Which would be how long you do the exercise

for and the rest during transition period. Example: if I do 40-20. I’ll do jump squats for 40 sec than rest and

get ready for my push-up for 20 sec, than do push-ups for 40 sec etc.

No excuses, make the workout happen!

2. Sleep: 7-8 hours a night and or do deep breathing drill for 5 minutes in the ma(google if you have to ).

This has been proven to help you be more present, have better will power, control cravings, lose more fat

and build more muscle. You know if all that stuff was in a supplement bottle, you’d take it. So, get your

sleep on and when you wake up breathe deep for 5 minutes.

3. Protein and water: Drink a ton of protein especially on the day you know you’ll be tempted to indulge in

alcohol, sweets, etc.  Like at a work party, Christmas eve, New years eve etc. Repeat the day after you indulge too, so its easier to get back to your normal habits.

4. On the days of those indulges, do two things: workout and save most of your carbs for the party. But, don’t go hungry. Fill your morning with protein, veggies, water and then indulge at night.  Most indulgences intend to be carbs anyway, so this works out great because you don’t end up over doing it by much.

If you’re truly committed to staying lean the next two weeks. At least do one of these and you‘ll notice the difference

If you are looking to start your transformation before January and are serious about making real changes that last a life time. Clik below to apply for my 8 week challenge. But, you should know its only for people who want do the work and grow into their best self.

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Building Muscle in All the Right Places Part 2

It has been a couple of weeks since I did part 1 for the ladies, but I going bring you part two which is for men. But, there principle can definetly help any body.

Part one I addressed the best exercises for women who want to shape their butt and thighs. But for most guys, they do a lot of the right exercises. They do compound lifts like squats, bench, rows, pull downs, chin ups etc. (not saying that there aren’t those that should do more compound lifting and leave the isolation exercises alone, some of the time).

The biggest issue I see isn’t the exercise selection, but frequency, form and variety. That what I’ll go over today. With that being said here is what I think are the better exercises to develop a bigger chest, shoulders and back.

Chest Bench, dips, pushup with weights, db presses,

Back chin up, pull downs, 1 arm rows, low rows seated rows, dead-lifts, farmers walks,

Shoulder military press, lateral raises, face pulls, farmers walks

Biceps, bicep curls, hammer curls, pin wheel curls

Tricep, cable pushdown, skull crushers, tricep push-ups, close grip chest press

Let’s get to the good stuff…

  1. Frequency, too often guys who are looking to build muscle, do a 5-6 day split routine. This essentially means you only hit one body part once a week in one way. For some this works at the biginning but eventually its not going cut it. As long as you can recover, you’re going to get way better results training your body part twice or three times a week, rather than once.

Try this Monday upper Wednesday lower and Thursday upper

  1. Variety- There are people who will do the same exact routine for years. Change up your exercise or workout routine is always a good thing every month. But, I’m talking about variety from session to session. Now that we are going to train muscle multiple times a week, mix up the focus, reps, set and rest. What works great for building both strength and size, is on one day focus strength lifting heavy loads for fewer reps. On the next session focus on high reps and/or slower tempo. Since exercises that are best suited for each,are different; you’ll get some variety that you wont get bored with.


You might bench up to your 5rm max and than do a couple drop sets for 8. On the next day your hitting chain push-ups for as many reps as possible for 2 – 4 sets, focusing on taking 5 seconds to come down and exploding up.

This may help you bust through your plateau because you’re hitting muscle, building from different ways.

Form- Your abilty to fire your muscle has a lot to with not just going through this movement. But control enough and squeezing the muscle as hard as you can. Here is an example you can do where ever your reading this: Open your palm and let your arm hang, then bring your hand to your shoulder for a curl. Note what that feels like. Now clench your fist as hard as you can and curl, when you get to the top squeeze your bicep like your trying to pop it. Hopefully you will see my point. Here is what you need to do, to get the most out of each rep.

Learn how to do it correctly

Be present when you’re doing it, nothing else matters at that moment.

When its called for, control and squeeze for maximized contraction

Doing that alone if you usually don’t, will pack muscle on.

Hope this information, will get you to bust out of your plateau.

Stay strong

If you want me to personally design a strength and/or muscle building plan, to get you out of your muscle building struggles. Click here

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How to Build Muscle In All The Right Places Part 1

For most people when we walk in to the gym, we all want to improve a certain area of our body, at least a little bit; maybe its a defined stomach, firmer butt, a bigger chest or bigger arms.

But, what often happens you walk in and see all the equipment and  people doing all sorts of things. Your not sure what to, how to do,how many sets or reps etc.

The next couple of days,  I want give you a practical guide on how to build the muscle you want for the most popular body parts that you desire.


Part 1 Female

So females, I usually get that they want firmer legs, butt and toned arms. Although stomach is proabaly number 1 with females, most people just need to lock there diet in. It is not that often a muscle building thing.  Look at my other blogs for tips on that.

Before we dive in to how to develop these muscles. Here a few guidelines that super important.

-Make sure you do a proper warm up that mobilizes and activates the area you work on.

-A general rule of thumb is you should always lower the exercise under control trying to feel your muscle for 2 seconds, pause for 1 sec and explode up.

-The goal of strength training is to get stronger and build muscle. Rest for about 45-90 sec. Often females wont rest and rush through the exercise and sets. Yeah they might be tired but they losing out on the point, which stimulate max growth. Always have decent rest and if you find that you don’t need it, the weight should probably be heavier.

Exercise 1

Box squat –This is when you control your self to box and stay tight as you pause on the box before you explode up.

Work up to your heaviest set of 5-8 reps, so if the heaviest squat you could do is 150lbs, you might start with light sets until you get there example: 50lbs, 90lbs, 120lbs, 150lbs

Rest should be around 60-90 sec especially towards the heavier ones.

Bonus: something we love to do is once we hit that max, drop the weight by 15-30lbs and do as many reps as possible with it. This a killer!

What it works – butt & thighs

Exercise 2

Super slow split squats- I’ll have you elevate your feet on 6-12 inch box. Like a squat, push your butt back and bend both knees until your front thighs get parallel. Make sure your lower back stays flat and your front knee isn’t driving past your ankle or toe too much; then come up. We are going take 5 seconds to come down and then explode up, for 5-8 reps.

Use as heavy of a weight as you can, as log as you can keep good form.

Rest for 45-60 sec.

What it works – butt & thighs

Exercise 3

Hip thruster – This is when you elevated your back on 6-12 inch box or bench. Drive your hips up to the ceiling and squeeze your butt cheeks together as hard as possible for 2 seconds before lowering.  Also keep your knees apart and don’t let your lower back arch. You want to extend through your hips not your back.

For weight put a kettle bell or plate on your stomach or have barbell across your lap. As the weight gets heavier, you just want to pad your lap with mats.

Reps 8-20, I would start at a heavy weight for 8 reps and don’t go up in weight until you can do that for 20 reps.

Do this for 2-4 sets.

Rest for 45 sec -1 minute.

King of butt exercise and hamstrings.

Bonus- You can do super long hold on the last rep, so say you do 8 reps hold the last reps 10-20 sec.

Although I gave you specific exercise, doing the same stuff can get boring and variety can help build muscle, when your body get used the same movement. Here is simple template for your lower body

1. squat or dead lift variation

2 Any exercise on 1 leg 1 leg RDL (Romanian Dead Lift) , lunge, step-up etc.

3. Do hip dominant exercises, back extensions, hip thrusters, RDL’s

Super simple but it works awesome.

As far as arms girls usually tell me how they want toner arms with out getting bigger.  I would just add sets of push-ups and rows: 10-20 reps. Once they get easy, do a harder variation or add weight. That will do the trick. Example: Here’s how to add these into a workout.

 box squats 5rm

Super set do back to back

Elevated split squats 3 x 5

Push-up amp up to 20 reps x 3

Hip thruster 3 x 12

1 arm row 4 x 12

I hope this gives you a practical guide to hit the gym and build muscle in all the right places and get the results you truly desire.

If you are looking to build muscle,  but you have tried on your own with little to no success.; If you’re ready to commit and work hard, check out this program to get you on the right path

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