Semi-Personal Training @ General Fitness

Hi ! Bobby Collins here.

Are you looking to get strong, build muscle and maybe lose some fat .

Join my semi-private training program.

I do this at General Fitness(you must be a member or sign up) in Fall River, MA or you can do this same program online.

What is semi private training?

This is my version of personal training, I have taken the best of two styles of coaching programs, I love.

Group coaching and 1 on 1 personal training.

Combined them so…

You get customization and the 1 on 1 coaching of personal training, with the fun and social support of group training.

Here is how it works

  • First, workout we go through a basic a workout/assessment to see, where your at.
  • Then, from that initial workout, I build a customized workout for your goals and desires.
  • Then I take you through this program in a small group environment, usually 3-5 people per session.
  • All you have to do is show up and work hard, as well as willing to make a few small tweaks to your diet and you’ll get results

I will take all the guesswork out of training, to get you the best results possible.

But, it won’t always be easy. Nothing great ever is

I need you to do the work.

  • Show up to your training session each week and work hard for me.
  • Follow your simple nutrition plan.
  • Reach out with any questions.

If you do these things, you’ll make awesome gains: build strength, muscle, and become a the best version of yourself.

I have helped hundreds of people like you, get strong, build muscles, and improve the quality of their lives. But, instead of telling you, I would like to show you 🙂 Scroll down to check them out

If you are interested , apply today and test us out risk free for $49 for 2 weeks

This includes

  • Initial Assessment
  • Customized workout plan for you goals
  • Up To 6 workouts with me.
  • Customized nutrition plan and coaching
  • 1 on 1 coaching in small group environment
  • Nutrition guides and recipes

If you want in , fill out the form below

Fall River Personal Training
Fall River Personal Training
Fall River Workouts
Fall River Fat loss
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