About Me

Hi! I’m Bobby Collins.

I have been a trainer/coach for the last 15 years. Helping people get strong, build muscle and be the fittest version of themselves. I have done this both online and in person.

  • I have helped moms and dads lose body fat.
  • Athletes get strong and explosive for their sport.
  • Help obstacle course racers improve their reach race times.

If you would like to see some of the people, I have helped go here

Besides strength and fitness

  • I love spending time with my son and girlfriend.
  • I am an avid fan of BJJ, which I train for on a daily basis. Brown belt under Danny Savery BJJ
  • I’m a Dallas Cowboys fan since I was 7. They suck, but still watch every year.
  • My favorite meal is a big burrito from a legit Mexican restaurant

I hope I can help with your strength goals.

If you are looking for information, check out my articles, where I have currently 100+ on this site.

If you are looking for coaching go to my coaching page and sign for 1 on 1 coaching

If you have questions for me, I’ll put a box for that on this page

Be sure to follow me on Instagram for daily tips

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