BJJ Strength and Conditioning

5 Simple ways to build muscle and crazy strength

BJJ Strength & Conditioning Mistakes

Building muscle can be as frustrating as trying to play defense against Tom Brady. You try almost everything and nothing seems to work.

For some of us, anyway. I’m sure you all know that one guy who pack on lean muscle by doing nothing but bench and biceps curls — filling his calories with pop-tarts and pizza…

Let me see if I can settle your frustration and teach you 5 simple ideas to help you build muscle and build crazy strength.

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10 Things You Need to Know About Your Fitness Transformation

The Summer is just about over and most people are looking to get focused on getting results.

For some, that mean less body fat or more toned muscle. Others want to feel great and have energy.

Whatever your reason is, there are a few things I have found with myself and hundreds of clients over the years.

The 10 Things You Should Know

1. What do you really want?
So, many of us only tap into the exterior goals, not really the why. The truth losing weight doesn’t mean crap to most people. It’s what it will do for them. It very easy to find this out. Ask yourself what is my goal? and ask yourself why? five times.

Example: I want lose 50lbs might really be – I want my husband to look at me like he used to and I feel if stay going down this road, I can’t play with my kids because I get winded fast. That doesn’t make me feel like the best parent. I might not be around to play with my grandkids.

You see how powerful that is, wouldn’t you put in a little more effort for that versus, hey I want lose 50lbs.

Find out what you truly want from losing weight, toning up, having more energy etc.

2. Is putting in the work worth it?
Sometimes people are pumped and ready get results, then they get hit with something that don’t like.


Changing your body means changing habits and your mindset  too. Once some people get the taste of that, they want little part of it. Some rather just stay where they are, than choose to grow.

You got to decide who do you want to be and also is working out 3-4 times a week and working on 1-2 habits a week worth, the attention of your husband, or the joy of connecting with you kids, because you can play with them?

This is also why knowing your why is crucial. It makes the growing pains worth it.

Another cool, things is I find the common person isn’t trying get 6 pack abs. But, more or less they want to lose fat, so they look and feel better. That also means you don’t have to live at the gym or eat like a rabbit to produce the results you want.


3.Meal Plans Suck
How would you like to shed 20lbs and gain it back? Maybe even more. This my beef with meal plan diets that people know they can’t stick to for long. Any program that eliminates an entire food group or macro nutrient (protein, carbs or fats) is asking for trouble. Now if you’re someone that can do that long term, go for it.

Too often people focus on things they don’t have the skills or desire to stick to. A great example is cut carbs out for 30 days. What you’ll see probably is big weight loss at the beginning (most of that’s just water) and you‘ll lose some fat and also some muscle too. Which slow down your metabolism. Than one will go to party and have some carbs. Than they completely get off it there low carb, gain all the weight back. Than it might be week, months before they try diet again

If you want a true transformation, instead doing things you won’t stick to forever. Think about what’s skills I need to develop, to hit this goal. Break all the skills and habits down to manageable steps. Think about focusing on a few every few weeks, once your comfortable move on.

Example would be:

Week 1-3 eat protein for breakfast and 100 oz. water

Week4-6 Include 2 serving of veggie with most meal and swap one bad carbs for healthy one.

Week7-9 Eat carbs only after you train and reduce how your cheats (not eliminate)

Don’t you think that would be more doable, and you would have built skills and habits that become second nature over time?

4. Strength Training is king
This is nothing new, been the truth for years. Too many people try hit tons of cardio and low calories diet to combat fat loss. This produces some weight loss, before a frustrating plateau and big rebound weight gain.

Basically that combo makes you lose muscle mass and that means a slower metabolic rate (less calorie burned)

Start lifting and trying do more work each week. Either by increasing your weights, reps or reduce rest period.

That will get you started, for fat loss, body toning and obviously getting stronger.

5. Programming with your Stress

I myself love high intensity exercise, but when its programmed too much or with people who have way too much stress…this can be a big mistake.

Typical people stay up to late and don’t get enough sleep.

Maybe they’re tying lose weight, so they cut there calories too low.

They’re training almost daily, really hard weight & intervals etc.

Their job stresses them out and maybe even their spouse and kids

What happens here is you’re always in a stress state that messes with your hormones and your ability to recover.

That’s a recipe for less fat loss, less muscle gain and horrible energy.

Some quick guidelines if that sounds like you

Sleep 7-8 hours
Incorporate at least 1-3 rest day or low intensity days into your program.
Eat the right amount of food.
Do something that makes you smile.
6.  Assess and Adjust

The truth is getting big results, takes not only work but constant adjustments. That is why is so vital that you track your progress in some way. As well as track what you’ve been doing, so you can make adjustments and then see what that produces.

Start thinking of lack of progress as an opportunity to learn something that work for you instead of a big failure.

A couple guide lines:

Weight and measure very 2-3 weeks

If you’re getting results keep doing what you’re doing.

If you’re not getting the results you want, think about how you can get better food choices in, better portion sizes and better sleep or even better exercise


7. Emotional eating and sedation

Have you ever been on a role but then a stressful week hits? You can’t stop eating or reaching for the wrong things.

People love to talk about what you should eat and what’s the best diet, but the truth is you already know that.

Why you eat what you eat is far more important.  Awareness towards this area and working through it is a game changer. It could be the reason every diet you ever tried has failed you.

A few reason why we can’t control our eating

-We eat out of boredom, to have fun or to socialize with people.

-We eat due to stress. Thinking about food can instantly make us feel a little better as life gets tough.

-We eat maybe to procrastinate from doing work

-We eat to fill a void or because we emotionally beat ourselves up.

-We eat out of habit “I’ve always done this way because” etc.

Now, just because you’re aware of it doesn’t mean you won’t do it, but it brings it in to your conscious brain that gives more opportunity to make a choice.

Become aware and see if you are eating mostly out of hunger or need. Is it because of stress, boredom and habits you have become use to?


8. Got Sleep?

If you walked into a room, when a baby was sleeping and starting yelling and being loud, everyone would be pissed. Babies need their sleep to feel good and do the things a baby need to do.

So, at what point did we decide sleep was optional?

Although, some get away with less sleep and feel it’s not a must.

Your mind, and body will operate on completely different level if you get more sleep.

You’ll get better fat loss, muscle gain and ton of energy. A must if you train hard, and a lot. Or if you have a lot of stress.

Few tips for better sleep

Try to go to sleep at the same time each night.

Get some sun daily to make easier to fall asleep.

Do something relaxing before you go to sleep, read, stretch, breathe etc.?

Maybe even distress, if you have  a lot on your mind about what you have to do tomorrow. Dump it on piece paper that may help ease your mind enough to get some zzzzz


9. Accountability

This is so over looked when producing results, people head to their gym in flocks every New Year’s only to give up a month after.

Having someone, a friend, a coach, etc. hold you to what you said you were committed to, can’t be overvalued. The best people: athletes, business people, politicians etc. have people they trust to keep them accountable, and to give them feedback.

But, sometimes we feel, “hey I can do it myself I don’t need anyone.”

Not that it can’t be done…

If you want to – go quick, go by yourself and if you want; go far go with us.


10. Learn to be gentle with yourself


This journey can be a tough one. You’ll have ups and down. You’ll fail and come up short many times. If you want those setbacks to be a lesson that launches you to success…

Learn two things

1. Be gentle with yourself, don’t beat yourself up.

2. Abstract a powerful lesson each day from each mistake and see where you can apply it tomorrow.

That’s the 10, lets review it.

1. What do you actually want?

2. Are you willing to commit to get that?

3. Build habits, don’t go on a diet.

4. Strength Train

5. Take your stress in to account.

6. Asses and Adjust

7. Deal with your emotional eating

8. Sleep more and better quality

9 You need accountability

10. Be gentle and learn from your mistakes

I hope this gave you some insight into how to really create results that last. And maybe gave you some ideas on what you have done wrong in the past.


More importantly teach you the best action steps, to take.

If your looking to test drive us for 30 days click here to apply










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Eat Less And Move More. Is it true?

A few days ago, one of my clients sent this article, about why eating less and moving more is bad advice and I read through, definitely had some thoughts on it

So, here are than main points, I would get out of it and apply to your life. To lose fat, build muscle and feel great


Thought 1 Hunger kills your diet

Hunger makes diets fail. This should be obvious to most. But, why do we jump on diets that make us sohungry. If you’re hungry all the time and unsatisfied, its only matter of time, that you will fall off. This can be tricky, the key is to eat in way that, you won’t be hungry all the time but still produce results here are some idea

-Eat more volume drink a ton water and start most meals with veggies and proteins before you hit carbs, you’ll be eating more food by volume but less calories and you’ll start losing weight from less calories.

-Learn the difference between hunger and habit of eating. Always question your hunger, are you really hungry or are you board. If you were busy right, now would you be thinking about food.

-For some people eating lighter on certain days or times and eating bigger at other times and day. Can help people eat less sustains it. You might, not have an issue with not eating breakfast, but if you don’t eat enough at night, you’re miserable.


Thought 2 Decision Fatigue

Decision fatigue or what I call will power fatigue. Is real and is the big cause of failure in both exercise and nutrition. There have been studies on , how much and how hard you have to make decisions can affect your, what decisions you’ll make later. If you use less will power on your diet and workouts. You’ll probably be more compliant and get better results. Some idea for this one

-Find a workout program you love and do it often, maybe it’s not workout but activity. Like martial arts, sports etc. Do it often, work hard at and have fun and you’ll produce results.

-Find a diet and foods that you won’t hate eating, hence use less will power. You can try to eat boring food you hate or eat foods that will help produce result, but you still enjoy.

Focus on achieving those two things more you won’t get will power fatigue and your compliancy will breed results.


Thought 3 No cardio just weights

You don’t need any cardio to lose fat . You can do resistance training 3-4x a week.

This is true, everything about how building muscle will help increase your metabolic rate and make fat loss easier.

Here is my idea for doing some conditioning, these might not apply to you, in which case lift and eat right and you’ll be completely able to get to your fat loss goals.

-Conditioning can be fun and activities that may want to do outside the workout, require cardio, like sports, a 5 k race etc

-Your aerobic conditioning controls how fast you can recover between sets, days etc. Even a 300lbs lineman needs cardio, not because he needs to run a lot. But, because it controls his recovery in between plays.

-Excel fat loss by burning extra calories.

Give 1 or 2 these things a try and see the result get better and better

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The Truth Of Why Following The Pro’s Advice Won’t Work For you?

I saw a post this morning, about check out what this pro figure model eats every day. I thought back, when I used to get all my training an nutrition info from magazine as a teenager. How really misleading that was. The truth is following a pro’s program if that’s an athlete, bodybuilder, or figure model may be your biggest mistake. You see following a program like pro, is a mistake because -There job is to be fit, they don’t have the same responsibility and stresses you do. -They don’t have the same metabolism or body type you may have. -Some may even be using certain performance enhancing drugs. -You still want to have a social life and enjoy some of your favorite foods.   Now, something I hate is when article tell you why something wont work without given you a solution. I’m going attempt to send you on the right track on how to customize your program with these 5 tips

  1. Love What You Do-Find a workout you love or at least like and do it 3x a week. It’s not always about what you do, but how you do it. Your going put a lot more energy effort, and time into a routine you like. Test some stuff out and do more of what you love. If that’s weight, than do more weights, if that’s Zumba do more Zumba. (Can’t believe I’m saying that, but loving what you do is important). Example I love powerlifts and hill sprints, I do that more than any other form of tranining>


  1. Habit based nutrition- Instead of following a strict diet. Try improving on key area at a time for three weeks. Master this area and make it habit. The key here is start with things your confident, that you can do and build up to the hard ones. Example your first month might just be drinking 80 oz water and having protein in your breakfast each day for 21 days. Simple but, can produce massive results, when done every day.
  2. Lift and resistance tramlining- Once you get in habit of moving and exercising what you love more. Take up at least 1 or 2 days of resistance training. Same idea find what style you like most and do that. Maybe its bodyweight training, dumbbells, , kettle bells or mixture . The reason you want try to do some form of this tramlining, the benefits of muscle, tone, health and strength for your life.


  1. Movies, magazine would have us believe that its all about will power and training hard all the time. But, the truth is it’s when we recover, that actually produces results. The workout is the stimulus for change. Make sure you don’t over do it in training, always leave a few reps in the tank, sleep 7-9 hours night, do things that are fun and set time for yourself to decompress. This will make one of the biggest changes to your health, body and energy. Mostly because no one really gives this too much attention.
  2. Measure and adjust. The key is not getting discouraged and always learning from mistakes or those weeks you don’t do too well. Measure what you do and your results. Make adjustment when needed. But, don’t change it up if your producing results.

Hopefully this guide you in the right direction. If you want accelerate your fat loss and muscle building. Than my best program will be of great check this out.

Strong And Sporty


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The One Mistake That You May be Doing That Is Making You Weaker And Smaller?

You go into the gym and decide to go beast mode.

Take every set to failure and show the weights whose boss. You often miss your last lift.

I’m going have you consider, why this will make you weaker and smaller.


Weight training is stress that, your body will get stronger and bigger. To help deal with that stress. It isn’t the workout that gets you stronger but your recovery. The training is the stimulus.

If you try PR each week.

Take every set to failure.

Sacrifice rom for heavy weight or you just throw weights around.

This maybe causing your plateau.

If you do these things do this stuff instead and tell me how you feel, look in 30 days.

Interval /your Intensity Fix 1

Instead of maxing out each week, especially if you’re doing with shitty form. Try to really push the weights only 2 weeks out four. I’m not saying going light but leave a little more reps in the tank.

It might look like this

Week 1 Learn the exercise, focus on learning the from perfect use moderate weight.

Week 2 Start pushing the weight, using more weight than you did last week. Leave at least 1-2 reps in the tank.

Week 3 Push the weight again working for maybe pr. Same thing still leave a few reps in tank not going to failure.

Week 4 Back off each lift with weight for this week

Learn how to move to work the muscles that you’re trying to work. Fix 2

It feels awesome to lift heavy stuff and never go down in weight. But, there is huge benefit, especially for building size in learn the exercises properly, so you feel your muscle work.

An awesome example is rows, most guys just row there elbow behind them. This is brutally on shoulder capsule and sense your just drive those elbows back and not moving your shoulder blades. You pretty7 much aren’t working your back, which is the point of the exercise.

Another great example is just dropping down to the lower position of a squat or pushups.

Where your recovery game at Fix 3

If what actually makes us stronger, why do we not think. How can I make my body recover better? Test these out and see yourself get stronger and bigger.

Sleep 7-8 hours a night

Soft tissue work daily

Eat 14-16x your body weight

Eat starches before and after weights

Walk 30-60 minutes a few days a week.

So, guys these test these out and see how you feel. Don’t be surprised when you get stronger and pack on muscle.

If you’re looking to be surrounded by a bunch of guys, who push each other to get stronger, bigger and faster. Check this out

Click here

Mansformation 6.0



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What I never gained at a big box gym

At my heaviest, I weighed 220 pounds. As a 5’6″ male, that’s not the number you want to see staring back at you.

That was seven years ago.

I had hit a plateau and wasn’t very motivated to do much with my health during that period of my life. Which was odd, because prior to that, especially during college, I was a gym rat. I would lift almost every day of the week. You remember what it was like back then, right?

Grab a couple of Red Bulls (there was no sugar free) pre-workout and some form of powdered mix during and post-workout. Monday’s & Wednesday’s were always chest days — and NEVER — skipped bi’s and tri’s before going out on a Friday night.

Somehow I had lost all of that and blew up like a tick. It wasn’t a very good feeling and after living severely overweight for a year, I begun to get weak. Like, noodle-armed wet spaghetti weak.

I eventually got fed up and did what most people did, took a drastic measure.

Drastic measures call for drastic diets


I figured, if I could just “do a detox” I could get myself back on track. Easy peasy.

If you’re like me, you need structure before attempting to do something new. All the I’s have to be dotted, T’s have to be crossed, and I needed to buy tupperware for everyday of the week for my new regiment. I purchased a book from Tim Ferris, The Four Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman.

Let’s do this!

The major portion of the book that I was interested in was his take on the “slow-carb diet.” If you’re interested in this, I’ll let you read the book, though you may find my take on it a bit concerning. To sum up the diet, I ate vegetables, meats (proteins), and legumes (beans) primarily. No dairy, NO sugars (not even fruits), and of course no artificial sweeteners.

Except for one day, deemed “cheat-day” where you can go nuts. Literally. I would eat 2 or 3 donuts just to warm up.

So my day-to-day normally consisted of eggs and salsa to start, with copious amounts of meats and veggies throughout the day. There was no real limit. I just ate until I was full. Then when cheat-day arrived, like a caged bear set loose into the wild — I was ravenous — eating everything in sight. Sunday’s were a shock to the system, as I was right back into the strict ways of the diet. Which was fine because, at that point, I didn’t even want to see food.

Until mid-week rolled around, cravings would get worse. Eventually, I would get sick at just the smell of salsa.

Over 60-70 days, I lost 35 pounds.

It was a miracle. It was also REALLY hard.

The problem with this diet, as you might already guess, it wasn’t sustainable. Not for me at least. I couldn’t see myself living like this. It also zapped all of the energy out of me. No carbs = no energy = no working out.

So even though I lost weight, I still had spaghetti arms.

Everyone is doing it: P90X


Remember the day’s of your Facebook feed filling up with people selling Beach Body DVD’s and supplements? Yea, I did it too.

I heard it was the best workout ever and people were seeing results left, right, and upside down. Yes, I actually found myself hanging upside down in my closet to do the at-home workouts. More on that later.

This program had what I needed: structure, tracking, and promised results. I never really bought into the supplements, but I did borrow the workout DVD’s from my friend. I also dropped about $250 in workout gear I needed:

  • Yoga mat
  • Dumbells
  • Bands
  • Pull-up bar
  • Medicine balls
  • Swiss balls
  • Roller
  • Kettle-bell

I started in the winter time and even setup an entire room devoted to doing P90X. I had plenty of room to jump squat, toe hop, and “jump over the river” as Tony (host of P90X) put it. I moderated myself at first, because the exercises were really hard, at least for this phase in my life. For instance, I couldn’t do a single pull-up in the beginning. After a month or so, I found myself attempting to do them using the pull-up bar, latched onto my closet door.

During one workout, you had to grasp the bar with one hand and then with other, a towel. Once you performed the pull-up, you had to tilt upside down and maintain the squeeze. I did that once and felt a nice tear in my shoulder. I couldn’t do pull-ups for quite some time after that and realized my home wasn’t the place for such stunts.

Further, I was getting bored with working out at home. Especially as the nicer weather came around. Workouts would take well over an hour to complete. Which isn’t bad, but it gets to you day after day in your own home.

I needed to get back to the gym.

Big Box Gyms


I won’t openly bash local gyms by name, but I joined a place that served pizza on Monday nights.

Pizza. At a gym. Where you go to lose weight from eating the very same pizza at home. Sigh.

This story isn’t as long because I didn’t last long. Here’s what my typical routine looked like:

  1. Warm up on the treadmill. (I hate treadmills.)
  2. Hit up a leg machine if it was free.
  3. Hit up a bench machine if it was free.
  4. Grab some dumbbells. If they were free.

I found myself mindlessly showing up and moving from station to station without seeing any results. I didn’t have a rhythm, I wasn’t getting stronger, I didn’t have structure. Even Tony Horton, host of the P90X DVD’s, provided some level of motivation and encouragement.

All I was getting here was the smell of pizza and long lines at each station.

Bobby Collins & One More Rep Fitness


I’ll save the advertisement for another time, but OMR & the OMR family has been one of my biggest encouragements and challenges in the last 8 months. When you’re working out in the same room as other motivated individuals, it brings you to a new level of determination. That determination delivers the results you’ve been trying to achieve since the beginning.

Most importantly, when you’re not feeling motivated and that determination is lacking — OMR is there to boost you up.

Working with a personal trainer wasn’t something I had ever thought about, as I went through those 3 phases above. It was always something I was trying to figure out “on my own.” Which is really tough when you’re faced with such a huge challenge.

The biggest benefit of One More Rep Fitness

For me, it’s about having the workout structure. It’s about showing up and taking on the daily workout as if it were an obstacle in my way to success. Having someone there to make sure I’m doing it right and push me when I need it. It’s also about building a bond with other people, all working towards the same goals:

To become healthier and happier people.

The OMR Gain: Confidence

Not only am I WAY faster and stronger than I was 8 months ago, I’m also a lot more confident.

I think this is something that’s easily overlooked when it comes to setting your goals and putting everything you’ve got into a workout routine.

I haven’t hit my body goals yet, but I feel 100x better than I did prior to joining. I’m confident, knowing the work we put in every day, even without the “body of my dreams” that I can take on almost anything or anyone and their “perfect” body.

Confidence, is by far, the #1 thing I’ve gained working out with Bobby Collins and the OMR family.

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Why Fitness Tips Suck……

Fitness tips can be amazing but for most people, they suck and can cause us to gain more weight, get unhealthier and overwhelm us.

Check out this video and see

  • Why Fitness Tips Suck.
  • Why gathering information is a form of procrastination.
  • Why just doing what you know is the only way to get results, even if its not ideal.
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Power Of The Habit(Will Power Doesn’t Even Have To Work)

Too often people get stressed about all the stuff they have to do, all the stuff they have to give up and how hard it’s going to be to lose fat and build muscle.

Watch this video and learn why:

  • Habits are king
  • Willing things you hate can, never be maintained.
  • The three phases of building a super strong habit.

Think about what habits you need to focus on the next 30 days, to level up. I

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Are You Doing Squats Wrong?

Have you ever seen people squat in the gym. I’m not trying to make fun of anyone. But, they got it all wrong,

Check out this video and learn how to squat properly.

  • -What tension is and why it is so important for fat loss and building muscle.
  • -Progression, so you get strong but stay safe
  • -Squat like a pro

Boom! Now it’s time to start practicing this

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The Best Fat Burning Workouts?

Hey! Hope you got plenty of work in yesterday with the snow. Squats and deadlifts make snowing a breeze.

But, anyway, the word fat burning is thrown everywhere these days. I want to give you some clarity on the subject,check out my video that will show you-

  • What burns fat ?
  • Why working out doesn’t cut it as far as burning fat ?
  • How working out in a certain way can set you up for big fat loss ?
  • What do these workouts look like ?

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