6 Ways to Get Bigger and Sculpted Muscles by June

I know it’s been raining and gloomy this week but before we know it, the sun will be out. It will be time to hit our beaches and maybe vacation somewhere tropical for a few of us.

Don’t wait to get in awesome shape. For us that probably means:

 Build Muscle

 Lose Fat

 Feel more energetic

 Maybe even perform better

This can be harder and harder to do as we get older, testosterone starts to drop and responsibilities pile up. We start to not feel like ourselves anymore.

Man I’m here to give you 6 fool proof ways to do all of those things, but you’ve got to start this today.

No bull shit excuse. Not tomorrow or next Monday, today. One of the best things to strengthen is your  bullshit meter. Do you know when your stories are bull shit?

Let’s get started:

1. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz- As much as we’ve got to do cool workouts or get more nutrition tips, as we get older our bodies take longer to recover. Testosterone plummets and stress hormones increase. The best thing to do, for real is get high quality sleep. So you optimize your hormones and have better will power, better strength and increase testosterone.

2. Hit the weights- We can complicate this all day long with reps, schemes, tempo and what days you should do them. Keep it simple and hit every body part at least twice a week. Whatever you do, make it harder each week. You can do this in a couple of ways:

– Lift heavier weights (as long as your form doesn’t change)

– Do more reps.

– Do more sets

– Slow down the tempo (example: take 3 seconds lowering, 1 second pause and then explode up.)Do more work in less time by decreasing the amount of time you rest in between sets. If you do that each week, you’ll be doing more work and you’re bound to get results.


3. Nutrition- Again we can over complicate this until the cows come home. But here is the thing: every diet will work if you do these things:

– Have a plan

– Follow the plan the best you can

– Adjust your plan based on your results

Here is how we are going keep it simple at least 3-4 x’s a day do this:

1-2 palm sizes of protein -meats, fish, poultry, eggs and yogurt is cool too

1-2 hand scoops of carbs, fruits and/or starches

1-2 fist sizes of veggies

1-2 thumb size of fats to cook with

If you do that you’ll get results as long as you watch your results and adjust them as necessary. If you’re getting fat, then decrease the carbs and fats. If your muscles are getting smaller, eat more of the carbs


4. Learn how to cook- Prep/cook meats and veggies. You want to be bigger and more cut, then perform at high levels, even at a higher age. It’s about time to learn how to cook. Check out these resources:

– Thug kitchen-http://www.thugkitchen.com/

– Gourmet nutrition-http://www.gourmetnutrition.com/

5. Stress makes you fat and weak- Man you’ve got to manage stress better. If you’re constantly stressed, getting pissed all the time and stressed out; especially if this effect s your sleep, calm down and try to have less stress. I know that is horrible advice, when your life is full of constant shit storms. Here is what works for me:

– Doing low intensity exercises relaxes and burns calories and also helps you recover faster. I love walking especially at the beach.or even trails.

– Doing belly breathing drills will double to decrease fat storing hormones, help back pain, and calm you down. Check this out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShNp4z2G914

– Dedicating time to things you love to no matter what. You’ve got take care of you. Or at one point you won’t be good to anyone.

– We all have aggression in some form of or another, find ways to channel it. If that’s playing sports with your friends or taking up martial arts, running, etc. If you don’t do this it will eventually be released in the wrong place.


6. Thoughts, reflection and growth – This is kind of some emotional shit but, mindset is important. I would be doing you a disservice by not talking about it.

– Thoughts-: Your thoughts will harm you sometimes, especially if you believe every thought that goes through your head. The ones that tell you to quit or that you’re not doing the work you set out to do today. You can’t believe them. Question them and investigate them. See if they’re true. Some will be, some won’t be. This is fucking important. If you don’t do this you’ll always be derailed.

Reflection – Reflecting on your workouts, your nutrition and your thoughts. Reflecting on those, so you can learn a lesson is the best way to grow, because failure and mistakes without a lesson is a waste.

Growth – If you commit to being a little better each week then you’ll get where you want to be. It won’t happen in one week. You probably won’t be able to make all these changes in each week but if each week your sleep, workouts, nutrition and mindset get better, then you‘ll be who you want to be.

That my friends, is fucking awesome!

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