Fall River Trainer Reveals The Best Mindset To Lose Fat And Build Muscle

“I can’t believe I lost to this guys.”

Ever since I got back to ji jitsu, these new white belts would come in and I thought I wouldn’t have a problem with them, I have been doing this on and off for long time and I built a lot consistency this year.

But, when I think like that, I get humbled.

Life has funny way of humbling you, when you need it.

One of the best ways to get results is to be humble.

Nothing in life is easy, that I ever wanted.

You might not think so , but when you expect results to happen fast and without struggle like losing weight every week, getting good job right away out of school and or thinking you can beat some just because you some experience.

This is form of entitlement and really cockiness.

Best way to get results is to be humble, accept that it
-Will be hard.
-You will struggle and want to quit.
-That you’ll have to improve your self and grow as person to get the results you desire.
-Be humble enough to ask for help
-Be humble enough to look at the facts of why your not seeing the results you like.

I had an old coach who would say “you can be right or you can get results.” I think there is a lot of truth to that.

This is why I love Ji Jitsu . It is the ultimate balance of confidence  and humility.

One day your feeling good, your doing better and beating people.

The next day you feel, like you suck because every one is beating you.

The balance between confidence and humility is key to many of the good things in life.

Be Confident enough to chase your goals with conviction and humble enough to know it won’t be easy at all.


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Fall River Lose Fat By Eating 1lb Of Watermelon!

When it comes to losing fat it is hard, right?

Your always going to have to eat less than you like.

Actually, if your not getting very hungry and struggling to lose fat, it is probably a sign your eating too much.

I had a question the other day about how much carb a client should eat.

It doesn’t really matter, if your in deficit and your protein is in check, you should be good.

But, if we look deeper.

Because we have to eat less, certain food will make it easier and certain foods will make it it harder.

If you eat carbs and your starving, maybe high fats and lower carbs diet might work better for you.

Vice versa if carbs fill you up and fats don’t.

I was thinking about this when I was eating my break fast which was 

16 oz cottage
almost 1 pound of water melon 
(which I couldn’t finish in one sitting actually)

As I put it in my fitness pal , I surprised how low calories a pound of water melon.

How filling it was at the same time.

This is why for fat loss nothing beats
fiber from fruits and veggies
water especially fruits and veggie that have lots water like water melon.

They fill you up, so it is easier to eat less.

If your struggling hitting your calorie goals, try eat more protein, fiber and water based foods. It might be a whole lot easier.


Want lose fat this fall, you got check this out

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Fall River Trainer Helps You Relieve Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain is pretty common these days.

A big reason for this is, how we live.( poor posture , little to no moments for most of the day

Which creates

-Tight thoracic spine or a round upper back

-Tight internal rota-tors like your front shoulders and chest.

-Weak upper back muscles like lower/mid traps

One of the best ways to improve shoulder health is to

Strengthen the upper back muscles, this will kill 3 bird with one stone. You will build a strong upper back, open up your upper back (thoracic spine), as well as open up those tight shoulder and chest muscles.

Rows can get hacked easily. So to me rows just aren’t enough.

I like these three exercises

Banded face pull

Banded pull part


Add these into your routine, and let me know if they make your shoulders feel better.

I would use them in your warm up, superset them after heavy upper body exercises and do them on off days.

Here is what I mean

Upper body warm up

Roll out chest and lats with lacrosse ball 60 sec

Stretch your chest for 60 sec

thoracic rotation 10/side

facepull 20 reps x2

pull aparts 20 x 2

medicine ball chest passes 3×5

Superset ideas

DB Bench Press 3×5 paired with band pull aparts

1 arm db row 3x 8 paired with banded facepull 3x 10

Hope this helps

Let’s get training

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