How To Start Getting Strong And Building Muscle, If Your A Beginner?

If your to looking to build muscle and strength, but have very little experience.

First, you have to understand that you want over load the muscles, you want to grow.

All that mean is that your making the exercise harder, usually by doing more reps, sets or doing more weight.

If your new to this I follow this these steps.

First focus on learning the basic moves and becoming great at them. Just learning how to do basics exercises well, without really using a ton weight, will get a newbie pretty far.

Learn the squat, push up/chest press, some type lunge, rows and dead lift.

Than say your pretty good at them.

Start to hit sets of reps 5-12 reps. For 2-3 sets.

Than you once you can do all sets with certain weight with the target reps, with ease. Add weight and stay there until you can do that weight, easily for the reps you want .

Example say your doing squat 3×8. You pick 100lbs, the first set you get 8, than 7 and than 5. Stay with that weight each week, until you can get for 8 reps across the board, than go up.

There are other ways to over load your muscle, but this way is great, because you’ll

-Learn to do the exercises faster and master perfect technique.

-You wont get in the trap of adding weight and using shitty form, which will just get hurt and keep you weak.

Start with that and let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks for checking out, this blog. I appreciate you.


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Simple Training Tweak For Stressed Out People

When it comes to getting results a few things a essential

-Strength training

-Nutrition(Eating nutrient dense food and in the right amount for your goals)

-Recovery from training

If your not recovery from your workouts, your leaving gains on the table and making it easier to hold on to belly fat.

If your

A type a person

Always stressed

Always running A rounds

Frequently Get poor quality sleep

Expose yourself to constant news, social media , etc

This is for you.

See stress may be holding you back, you need more time in between intense workouts and you benefit more from getting more sleep and doing this simple tweak to recover better.

The High , low training method

This is simple and is great way to recover better and get results.

Basically you reduce or stop doing two intense day in row. So, you wouldn’t lift on Monday , than do hard intervals on Tuesday. Sense there both kinda of intense. You would might lift on Monday and Tuesday do something low intensity  like walking, hiking, swimming or some mobility, yoga, things like that.

Try this routine

Mon upper body or full body strength work ,with sprints afterwards or intervals

Tuesday low intensity maybe 30-60 minute walk

Weds Lower body session

Thursday lower intensity again

Friday Upper body or full body, doing intervals intensity afterward or save it for Saturday.

If your constantly beat up ,stressed or stuck. Try this for the next 30 days and watch your energy, strength and fat loss improve.

If your able to sleep and relax a little more, you’ll find yourself getting even more results.

Want give us a try for free, click here 


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Do You Really Need Low Carbs To Lose Weight?

There is a current mindset that into order to lose weight, you have to cut out carbs.

This works great for some people and works very well because.

-You cut carbs,  so your reducing calories, that will help you lose weight. Just as if you cut out fats or proteins .

-You lose a lot of water weight because stored carbs hold more water.

-These people aren’t crazy about carbs in the first place.

But, for others low carbs can be problem  because.

-They like carbs a lot. Even when they can go low carbs, they will crave even worst carbs and sweets. All though , they might be able do it for a while, they will eventuality cave and go back to eating them in the worst way

-They are already really stressed in life and low carb is just another stress negatively effects there hormones.

-If you are trying to keep your muscle and strength. Low carbs may give you low energy for workouts and make it easy to lose your strength and muscle.

The Answer

Like most things in this industry that loves to go from one extreme to the next . The right answer is usually in the middle.

If your trying to lose fat you could benefit from

-Dropping carbs a little. Little being the key word.

-Also replacing your carbs with better versions.

-Like ones that are less processed, and make you feel more energetic, as well as have lot of nutrient in them.

-Eat starchy carbs mostly around your workouts

2 steps to do this

  1. Eat carbs high in the carb continuum . Think of scale 1-10. 1 being the worst carbs you can eat for your goals and 10 being the best crabs you can consume for your goals.

1 might be candy or muffin. And 10 might be sweet potatoes or some fruit.

Simple think about the carbs you had yesterday. Instead cutting them out out, go higher on carb continuum.

For instance say you had a muffin for breakfast yesterday , maybe today you have some toast and fruit.

You had a sub for lunch you might, have good quality wrap with less ingredients and lower calories.

This works great because

-You’ll absorb less calories from minimally processed carbs than processed version

-Better carbs will fill you up faster. Eating 500 calories of coao puffs are way easier than eating 500 calories of oatmeal.

-You ‘ll crave less sugar overall all because your giving your body the carbs it desires.

Simple do that for two weeks. If you notice results. You don’t have a carb problem, you have carb quality problem.

2. Now, if that doesn’t work don’t, go panicking you might just need to cut a little carbs, not all of them. Carbs are great to energize your workout, brain function and help you recover. Just cut a little bit out.

You can do this by eating smaller portions with each meal or

A great strategy is eat most of your starchy carbs like rice, potatoes, whole grains etc after your workouts. You’ll eat less of them and post workout is the best time to eat carbs, so they don’t get turned into fat to easily.

Say you workout tonight, when you get home and eat dinner. Have a good size serving of a minimally processed carbs.

The other meal focus on lean protein , healthy fats vegetables an d fruit.

That is how you eat carbs and lean out, all at the same time.

Sample carb continuum To Work Off of

table sugar, candy, syrups

muffins , cakes, cookies, pies, chips, cracker, ice cream

processed granola, breakfast or protein bars , cereal ,

white bread, tortilla, wraps rolls, pasta

less processed bread or lower calorie

fruits, whole grains, sweet potato, potato, rice , oatmeal

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3 Way To Lean Out While Keeping Your muscle

When it is time to lose fat, as far as exercises goes. People go towards the jogging, cardio machines and other form of long duration cardio.

If you want to keep the muscle you have while dropping fat, you want do forms of cardio, conditioning that makes you use your muscle hard as you do the cardio.

Here are my three I like.

  1. Hill sprints- I love these things. My favorite way to train in the summer by far. You get some rays, great cardio workout and hormone benefits to help you keep your muscle mass and drop fat  . It simple , find a hill, sprint up it as fast you can, walk down and repeat to your favorite music.

  1. Loaded carries- Great to build raw strength, get your heart racing and awesome for your core to. Pick something up and carny for distance or time.  Farmer walk and rack walk with kettles bells are my favorite.

  1. Use strength and power exercise in circuit. You don’t want it to be, so intense it effects your lifting session but enough to get hear rate up and effect your conditioning. You can do this for time, interval, time total or specific rounds Something like this.

Kettlebell swings 8

pushup 8

jumping lunges 8/side

Do as many times as you can for 8 minutes, Rest for 2 minute repeats one more time for 4 minutes.

Pick one you like and do 2-3 x a week to lean out. Let me know how you like them.

Need help training and improving the food you eat. Reach out to me.

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