4 Habits To Master To…….

Drop inches , build a tone body and feel your best.

If you have been on the diet carousel for a while with, not much to show.

Try this way, it might just be what you have been looking for.

The things with diets, people are always starting and stopping. So, is the results that goes with it.

So, let’s try a different route.

Instead of a depriving diet.

Try to do these 5 habits systematically,

With each one, find ways to do it every day. Don’t just do it. But, master it keep trying to do it better and better each day.

For the time being forget about anything else besides these habits. Nothing else matter, except mastering and doing that habit every day.

Habit 1 Make time

Commit to making at least 10 minutes to yourself. Look at your calendar and make it happen. What you do with the time, isn’t important right now.

But, build the dedication and routine that you always make time for your self.

First two weeks, just do that. Here a few idea what you could do in the time you sketch out for yourself.

-Write down what you ate today?

-Exercise in some way.

-Breathe or stretch .

-Write down your goals or journal.

Again it’s not so much what you do, but building the skill of setting time for you.

Habit two Eat slowly

The next one is simple and might see kinda weird at first. But, eat slower. Eat whatever you want but eat slower no matter what.

-Set reminders, so you don’t forget at first.

-You can time your eating and try to be a little slower than you normally do.

-Put your food down when your chewing and take your time chewing each bite.

-Try to chew each bite 10-15 times .

-Make eating the only thing you do , get off your cell, lab top tv etc.

What this does is build a ton awareness about eating habits, food taster , hunger cues and also allow your stomach tell your brain it may be time to slow down.

At this point the only thing your doing is making time to exercises and eating slower

Habit 3 Eat until your 80% full.

One of the problems we have is that, we have to eat less to lose weight. But, everything around us tell us to eat more. We have lost the feelings of when to eat and when to stop eating.

Think about this?

How do you know when to eat? When hungry, when bored, when stressed, when it is a certain time, etc.

How do you know when to stop? When your plate is clean, when there nothing in the pan to eat, when your stuffed?

The goal of this habit is to slow down and stop when your 80% full.

Now that isn’t an exact number but it is something we want work on doing. And learning what 80% full feels like.

Simple way to do this is think of your hunger on scale

1-10, 1 is your not hungry at all and 10 your starving like never before.

Try to eat when your at an 8 and stop eating when your at 2 or 3.

Chew your food slow. Stop observe where your at. Still not full, eat more. Feeling full around 80%. Stop and if you have bite or two left. Throw it out or save it for later .

Doing this one is huge because it get’s you to learn how to eat less without feeling deprived. That is huge.

For the next two weeks you’ll make time, to exercises, eat slowly and start at least stop when your 80% full.

Habit 4 Eat protein with each meal

Include lean protein with each meal. So each time you eat add a palm of protein from

eggs or egg whites

chicken or turkey

lean meat beef or pork


greek yogurt or cottage cheese

protein supplement like, whey or plant based

beans and lentils

This will help you burn more fat, build muscle as well get you fuller faster.

Keep eating what you want just be sure sure to add protein every time you eat.

So now we are eating protein with each meal, eating until 80%full, eating slowly and making time for your self.

Habit 5 Eat your heaviest carb meals around your workout or post workout.

This is simple and great for fat loss. What ever carbs your eating if it is bread, pasta, rice, oatmeal plan to consume them after your workouts.

This is the best time they will be used without being turned into fat. Plus they will help your recover fast as well build muscle.

This is great way to use carbs to recover without going too crazy if your don’t do well on high carb diet.

Example say you workout at 5pm  for dinner at 7pm have serving of your protein and a carb you like.

During the other meals try to have a little less carbs. (If that’s hard for you right now, just worry about having a carb after you train)

So for these two weeks we are making  time to exercises, eating slowly until we are 80% full , having lean protein with each meals and eating carbs with the meal after we train.

If you get this far your probably have less fat , more muscle and feeling pretty good.

The key is focusing on the habits at hand and don’t worry or look ahead. This is about building skills not seeing, how much you can take on a once.

If your going do this, let me know how it works out for you.


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5 Steps To Droping Inches And Build Lean Muscle

This weekend was beautiful. Reminds me that spring and summer are right around the corner.

Soon people will be rushing around try to drop pounds by doing tall these crazy things.

If you don’t want be one of those people. Make it easy.

All you got do is start doing these 5 simple things today.

5 Ways To Lose Fat And Build Muscle

  1. Slow it down

Eat slower and eat until your 80% full. You want eat less but counting calories can be tough and sometime inaccurate. If you can focus on slowing how fast you eat, put your food down in between bites. Pay attention to how you feel after each bite.

Get in tune with this 80% done feeling you’ll start dropping weight. This isn’t an exact science. So don’t worry about being perfect or even knowing what 80% is. Think of fullness as a rating 1-10. After each bite, think about how you feel and where your at stop at 8. Or another one is eat on smaller plates or think of it like leaving a few bites on your plate. When you make this habit you’ll start eating less automatically and starting dropping weight.

2. Where are your proteins and vegetables ?

Eat plenty of unprocessed proteins and vegetables. These will help build muscle, get fuller faster and burn fat better. Eat sources you enjoy, in way you enjoy. To often we force our self to eat foods we hate . Focus more on this.

What high proteins food do you really like and what vegetable;es do you really like?

How can you cook or prepare them so you enjoy them the best?

Example over cooked baked Chicken and boiled veggies aren’t my thing.

But I really enjoy nice piece of baked salmon and saute asparagus with oil and garlic.

3.Where is your water?

Drink plenty of water. Start your day with a tall glass and drink all day. Super simple but huge. I can always tell when I don’t drink enough water. I start to feel my hunger out get of control and realize that haven’t drank much today.

4. Lift

Lift some weights. Your not going get that tone look unless you challenge your muscle. Try to do more weight or reps each week. Focus on compounds moves like squats, deadlifts, rows lunges, pushups and rows.

5. Where are your zzzzzzzzzzzz?

Sleep 6-8 hours of sleep, get in the habit of going bed early and find fun ways to be active on your off days. Sleep is one of the simplest but effective way to have more energy lose more weight and build muscle. But, no ones focus on.

Shoot for 7-9 hours a sleep, the more sleep you get before midnight. The better quality it is.

On off days you’ll recover faster, feel better and burn more calories by finding fun ways to move. Try things you enjoys like walks, your favorite classes, sports or activity.

Simple stuff here guys. Results are not in the complicated but doing the simple stuff really well

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A Workout You Will May Like!

I made a little change to my interval workout yesterday. I thought my reasoning for wanting to do it. Could be helpful to you.

But, before I get into this.

Nutrition is tough and it hard to make changes. So, why not enjoy your workout a little more.

I’m not advocating an easy or not working hard. But, if you can do a workout that you enjoy or workout out you hate . And both get you similar results. Why not do the one you enjoy.

Back to my workout. I had this workout planed. It was an interval workout 30 sec on with 40 sec rest in between exercise’s for 3 rounds.

kb snatches

med ball slams

grappler throws with the rope

sled push

rope row

But, I wasn’t super motivated and I haven’t done any kick boxing or boxing in couple months. Wanted to do something like that. So I replaced med ball slams with all out boxing punches and the rope row with roundhouse kicks(Which I find wicked fun).

So it looked like this

kb snatches


grappler throws

sled pushes

roundhouse kicks for those same intervals.

My big point here is if your main goals is to move, burn calories, get strong and toned. You don’t have to do things you hate.

Try this workout pick 5 exercise you love or maybe you don’t hate. Do 30 sec on and 30-60 sec off for 3 rounds.

So if you hate bur pies , don’t do them. If you like jump rope better do that.

You’ll feel a lot better and it wont take so much will power to train.

What are your favorite five exercise that you can fit into this interval workout.

These ones I love or like

jump squats


kickboxing drills


jump rope

These ones I don’t have so much love for

lunges or step ups

rope drills

kb swings

high knees

So fill your workout with things that challnge you and that you enjoy(at the very least don’t hate)

Let’s spread the idea that exercise can be fun and rewarding . That isn’t a form of punishment or torture.

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