My Top Five Things To Find MY Motivation And Maybe Yours?

Motivation is one thing we all want. But, the truth is motivation come and goes like the sun. Sometimes its bright and shinny. Other its no where to be found.

Here are five things to think about, if your not motivated.

1.Action creates more motivation, than setting goals, watching motivation videos and looking at fitness memes. We have this myth , that we have to feel a certain way to take action. The truth is it is, just a story we tell yourself. If you need more motivation take some action and I promise you’ll have more than, you had. Even if ts just small things at first, like going for walk, drinking more water, eating a little less sugar. You’ll start to feel good, and that can be the start of your motivation.


2. Do something physical you love. There is one thing get me out of my  slump or boost my motivation(mood for that matter) than moving, exercising,etc what ever you want call it. If your lacking motivation focus on things you like to do.

I know for me these always do wonder.

-Get out side and go for walk or do some hill sprints blasting my favorites tunes. Listening to my favorite podcast too. My favorite are renegade radio and joe defranco industrial strength show.

-Do some martial arts and compete.

-Dome random bodyweight exercise, Sometimes I’ll just go in my back yard to do a random set of pull up.10485530_10152508759900135_1712537744389771718_n

Remember your not me, do something you like, maybe that is zumba, riding a bike, yoga etc.

3. Your probably stress out. I never meant a person who wasn’t  motivated and stressed at the same time. Stress kills a lot of things, but it destroys your motivation. You need to do some things for yourself and let your body and mind recover. Here is mine. Thinking about things that you enjoy and energize you. As well as doesn’t cause any stress. Example you might love jogging but going out doing 3-7 miles day, is beating the body up a bit.

For me I like

-mediation or breathing drills


-The sun

-Reaching out to people you care about and catch up.


4. Get help. We all need help at times. Don’t be too proud to ask for help. Reach out to someone, who seems more motivated. If you can try to be around them more and even train with them. Sometimes we need people to help us get started and maybe hold us accountable.

5. Do you even want this. If your still having trouble getting going. Time to ask the tough questions. Do you really even want this ? On scale 1-10 how much? Or did you think you wanted this because, your friend was doing it. Or you think that be leaner will make you happier. It may not it also may not. Sometimes being super honest with your self and coming to terms what you really want. What you really will commit to. Can be huge. You might find that you don’t want lose fat, but you just want feel better about yourself. There are loads of ways to do that, that you may enjoy better. Than stressing out about getting workouts in  you hate, lose weight and tracking a food journal.

Try a few of these out and see if it helps. The cool thing is, once you find what works for you, make it into habit or daily routine. Staying on track becomes so much easier.

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