The Truth Of Why Following The Pro’s Advice Won’t Work For you?

I saw a post this morning, about check out what this pro figure model eats every day. I thought back, when I used to get all my training an nutrition info from magazine as a teenager. How really misleading that was. The truth is following a pro’s program if that’s an athlete, bodybuilder, or figure model may be your biggest mistake. You see following a program like pro, is a mistake because -There job is to be fit, they don’t have the same responsibility and stresses you do. -They don’t have the same metabolism or body type you may have. -Some may even be using certain performance enhancing drugs. -You still want to have a social life and enjoy some of your favorite foods.   Now, something I hate is when article tell you why something wont work without given you a solution. I’m going attempt to send you on the right track on how to customize your program with these 5 tips

  1. Love What You Do-Find a workout you love or at least like and do it 3x a week. It’s not always about what you do, but how you do it. Your going put a lot more energy effort, and time into a routine you like. Test some stuff out and do more of what you love. If that’s weight, than do more weights, if that’s Zumba do more Zumba. (Can’t believe I’m saying that, but loving what you do is important). Example I love powerlifts and hill sprints, I do that more than any other form of tranining>


  1. Habit based nutrition- Instead of following a strict diet. Try improving on key area at a time for three weeks. Master this area and make it habit. The key here is start with things your confident, that you can do and build up to the hard ones. Example your first month might just be drinking 80 oz water and having protein in your breakfast each day for 21 days. Simple but, can produce massive results, when done every day.
  2. Lift and resistance tramlining- Once you get in habit of moving and exercising what you love more. Take up at least 1 or 2 days of resistance training. Same idea find what style you like most and do that. Maybe its bodyweight training, dumbbells, , kettle bells or mixture . The reason you want try to do some form of this tramlining, the benefits of muscle, tone, health and strength for your life.


  1. Movies, magazine would have us believe that its all about will power and training hard all the time. But, the truth is it’s when we recover, that actually produces results. The workout is the stimulus for change. Make sure you don’t over do it in training, always leave a few reps in the tank, sleep 7-9 hours night, do things that are fun and set time for yourself to decompress. This will make one of the biggest changes to your health, body and energy. Mostly because no one really gives this too much attention.
  2. Measure and adjust. The key is not getting discouraged and always learning from mistakes or those weeks you don’t do too well. Measure what you do and your results. Make adjustment when needed. But, don’t change it up if your producing results.

Hopefully this guide you in the right direction. If you want accelerate your fat loss and muscle building. Than my best program will be of great check this out.

Strong And Sporty


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The One Mistake That You May be Doing That Is Making You Weaker And Smaller?

You go into the gym and decide to go beast mode.

Take every set to failure and show the weights whose boss. You often miss your last lift.

I’m going have you consider, why this will make you weaker and smaller.


Weight training is stress that, your body will get stronger and bigger. To help deal with that stress. It isn’t the workout that gets you stronger but your recovery. The training is the stimulus.

If you try PR each week.

Take every set to failure.

Sacrifice rom for heavy weight or you just throw weights around.

This maybe causing your plateau.

If you do these things do this stuff instead and tell me how you feel, look in 30 days.

Interval /your Intensity Fix 1

Instead of maxing out each week, especially if you’re doing with shitty form. Try to really push the weights only 2 weeks out four. I’m not saying going light but leave a little more reps in the tank.

It might look like this

Week 1 Learn the exercise, focus on learning the from perfect use moderate weight.

Week 2 Start pushing the weight, using more weight than you did last week. Leave at least 1-2 reps in the tank.

Week 3 Push the weight again working for maybe pr. Same thing still leave a few reps in tank not going to failure.

Week 4 Back off each lift with weight for this week

Learn how to move to work the muscles that you’re trying to work. Fix 2

It feels awesome to lift heavy stuff and never go down in weight. But, there is huge benefit, especially for building size in learn the exercises properly, so you feel your muscle work.

An awesome example is rows, most guys just row there elbow behind them. This is brutally on shoulder capsule and sense your just drive those elbows back and not moving your shoulder blades. You pretty7 much aren’t working your back, which is the point of the exercise.

Another great example is just dropping down to the lower position of a squat or pushups.

Where your recovery game at Fix 3

If what actually makes us stronger, why do we not think. How can I make my body recover better? Test these out and see yourself get stronger and bigger.

Sleep 7-8 hours a night

Soft tissue work daily

Eat 14-16x your body weight

Eat starches before and after weights

Walk 30-60 minutes a few days a week.

So, guys these test these out and see how you feel. Don’t be surprised when you get stronger and pack on muscle.

If you’re looking to be surrounded by a bunch of guys, who push each other to get stronger, bigger and faster. Check this out

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