Workout Idea For Your 2017 Goals

Bobby - Chains

One things that is extremely helpful for both nutrtion and working out .

Are templates.

There like training wheels.

They allow to think less and just take action more. As wells focus on the important stuff like.

Learning great from.

Learn where to feel each exercise.

Focusing pushing the intensity.

So today I want give you a metabolic strength template. Which is great for building muscle in all the right places as well burning calories and boost your metabolic rate(which burn more calories after your workout)

Let’s dig in.

Power/ core- The first thing we want address in this workout is working explosive power or if your a real beginner build a core.

Example of this

10 yard sprints x5 or

Plank for 30 sec

ab roll outs 8 for 3 sets

Big lift– Next we want to get strong at big main lift for reps of 5-8. This would be dead-lift, some type squat, chin  bench press. Do this for 3-5 set. Each week try to lift a little more weight.

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Super set– This is going be a lower and upper body exercise, that you’ll do back to back. I would keep the reps to 8-15 reps. Also try not repeat the same movement. So, if you just did a heavy squat, you don’t want squat agin in your super set. Stick to 2-4 sets

Here is an example of a few

hip thruster 10 reps

db chest press for 10 reps


elevated split squat 10/side

strap rows 10 reps.

Circuit The last part will be a circuit. We want  to do compound exercise, because they burn the most calories and go through this as many times as possible in a given time. I would  stick to reps of 8-15 and do it 8-12 minutes.

Her is an example

kb squat 12 reps

pushup for 12 reps

Alternating step 12/side

1 arm rows 12/side

Repeat as many times as possible in 10 minutes.

So, the workout would look like this.


Main lift

Super set

Lower body exercise

Upper body exercise






The cool thing about this is you can plug and play and nevr gert bored. If you try it, let me knwo what you think.

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