The Truth About Getting Bulky

This is one myth that trainers and coaches have been trying to kick to the curb for years
“Will I get bulky if I lift weights?”

Most say no. Females don’t have enough testosterone and they have to eat a lot calories to do so.
I’m not looking to rehash any generic response, but to give you my opinion and little information on this. But first lets rewind.

Why would a women want to lift anyway?
Here are the benefits:
– Having more muscle burns more fat
– Most people rather have toner arms, tighter legs and a firmer butt
– It is really empowering to be strong, if that’s doing your first chin-up or dead lifting your own body weight.
– It is great for your bones.
– It allows you to eat more delicious carbs without getting fat.
Clearly these are excellent reasons to start lifting. In my experience talking with people every week, people want to lose more fat and build enough muscle to look tighter.
Now that we have gone over why we lift, lets go over 5 truths about the bulky look.
1. For the most part, it is true that women will have a very hard time packing muscle on but there are females who can do it very well. They have good genetics for it and if you know your body and you can make simple changes. Basically muscles has to be maintained,so if you’re getting too big then stop working that muscle.
2. Before you jump to the conclusion, I have built too much muscle. Can you be positive that it’s not excess fat on top of a little muscle? Sometimes when people strength train but don’t change there nutrition, this can happen. Get your nutrition down and you might get the look your looking for.
3. If feel you’re getting too big, here are three ideas:
– Reduce calories
– Decrease the amount of work you do on that muscle group.
– Do more cardio. Cardio does the exact opposite of building muscle tone.
4. Train the muscle you want to actually develop. If you want to work your butt but all you do are leg presses ,lunges and squats then cut back on that a bit and do exercises that will target the glutes more.
5. Lower your body fat first and see how you look and feel. Before you call yourself bulky. Also eat healthier foods, that give you more nutrients instead, of processed foods. They can mess around with your hormones and that cause you to hold more fat in those trouble spots.
Hope that helped with any misconception about what lifting can do to the female body

If you want lose fat and build muscle at the same time, no bulk here. Apply for our 12 week program:

Strong & Sporty Challenge

P.S. -That is a client over our, she lifts a couple times each week. Dead lift over 200lbs.

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