Fight Fat with Food

This is kind of funny, right?  We gain weight and lose weight with same thing – Food.

It is what got us in this mess in the first place and now we need food to get us out of it.

Losing your fat around your stomach, thighs and arms can be difficult, but I’m here to show you 5 ways to do it with nutrition.

These are essential habits: I do not recommend doing all of these at once, but focus on one at time. Get really good at one then add in the next. If you spend the next 8-12 weeks doing this, you’ll be in awesome shape by June. I promise you.


Let’s hit the ground running!


  1. Track and reflect- Keeping some type of food journal. This has to be number 1. This will show us what you need to work on. This doesn’t mean tracking when it’s ideal, but doing it all the time.

This is going do a few things:

– Teach us discipline to do something on a consistent basis.

– This will start to bring awareness to your limitations. You’ll find yourself making small improvements due to this awareness.

The second part of this is takes time once week to sit down with your log. Look at it and think of what you did great and what you need to work on. This is huge because this is when you learn more and more about yourself and your behavior.

It’s not sexy like a detox, or low carb diets, or fat loss pills but, its powerful.


  1. Plan, shop and prep- This is gold, here. You get good at this, everything we do from this point on, becomes easier. It is the most important thing you could do. I would even say if you need to skip a workout to do this, then do it because it will be more productive than another workout you could do. Here is what it means:


Plan -Whatever your focus of the week is next week, plan what you’ll eat, even if it’s not for the whole week or every meal. For example: you might just be focusing on protein for breakfast. You’ll sit down and write out what you’ll have on those days. Guys don’t get overwhelmed. If this is stressful the first week could just be a plan for Monday and Tuesday then go from there.


Shop- This is self-explanatory; however, shop for what is on your plan


Prep- This is where the gold is. If you prep and have a healthier and tasty meal at your fingertips, it’s going to be a lot easier to make changes than just willing it, or trying to figure it out as you go along. Here is what I might do on Sundays, although it doesn’t have to be a Sunday.


– I’ll put 3-4lbs of chicken in the crock pot and slow cook it.

– Sauté some steak or beef up

– I’ll chop up veggies, such as: onions, peppers and asparagus

– I’ll pre-cook veggies sometimes but not all the time.

– I’ll cook 4 cups of rice in the rice cooker

– Sometimes pre-cut and/cook sweet potatoes


What this allows me to do is put meals together in 5-15 minutes as well as allows for ease. Some people do the whole 30 plastic containers, with meals already portioned out. I don’t do that, not that it wouldn’t work but mine is simple and doable. That is what I like about it.

Also here are some daily preps I might do too:

Night before prep smoothie – putting frozen fruit, spinach, 1 cup of yogurt in a blender cup, So the next morning I just add liquid and go.

You could make an omelet for an easy heat up the next day or frittata too.

  1. Focus on eating protein with each meal. You might not do this one week. You might focus on protein for breakfast and then once you’ve got that down, you add lunch and then dinner. Go at the pace you need to, in order to be successful.
  1. Improve your carbohydrates. We eat processed carbs all the time and in big quantities. If you can improve your carbs in a way that they have less calories and be more nutritious and more filling then you’re going to get awesome results. Here are a few examples:

– Replace early morning carbs with fruit and a protein food.

– Replace pasta and bread at night with things such as: jasmine rice, sweet potatoes or regular potatoes, etc.

– Replace your sandwich with protein over a salad.

4. Always be leaning and acting- This stuff is tough. You will have days and even weeks that will be hard, but the way to get good at this stuff and make this doable is: Learn from your mistakes and failures. Don’t punish yourself with shame, guilt and negative thoughts. When you slip up, learn a lesson from each slip up and act on that lesson and you’ll get to great places.

I thought I would post some resources that will teach you how to cook and make your food tasty and delicious.

Books I recommend:

-Fed Well-

-Thug kitchen

-Gourmet nutrition

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Here are some meals I have eaten the past week:


If you feel like you need more than information to be successful with nutrition, then apply for a free strategy session to success, to create  the best plan for you is and no one else.

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