10 Things You Must Upgrade to Lose Unwanted Fat and Build Awesome Muscles this year!

Hey guys good morning! I wanted to bust out a blog to talk about all the things you might want to consider to do differently and/or better this year. To completely make this year like no other.

You see I’ve been training for 11 years and coaching for 7. Something awesome happens when people get stronger, lose fat, build muscle and accomplish something that is truly challenging in more than one way.

They grow and become a better version of themselves and start to have a more awesome life. Yeah of course they have less fat, more muscle and their clothes fit better, but they suddenly:

-Have more confidence

-Start to believe in their ability to do challenging things.

-They do things that the old version of them would have never done.

-They more energy for things and for the people they love.

-They are happier and less moody and depressed.

If you just apply a couple of these things and really get good at it; I’m telling you, you might just change more than your body.

Here we go

  1. Question your excuse, stories & negative feelings. – This is one powerful, often times it’s not that we don’t know what to do, but we just can’t seem to do it. All thoughts, past failures create a mindset of procrastination out of fear. If you can stop and ask yourself these three questions, you’ll start to disable a lot these stories that may seem true but when investigated, has no fact behind it. Once we can do that the power over the story gets disarmed.


Example: I can’t lose fat, it is in my genes to be fat


  1. Is that true? You might truly believe this to be true, so may you say yes.
  2. Am I 100% certain it has to be true? (in other words: there is no way in hell, I could be wrong about this.) Now you have to really think about the fact here, what proof do I have? Like what have I done to lose fat? Have I really been as consistent as I say I am? Etc. The answer is probably no, you’re not %100 sure.
  3. How do I react when I think this thought or story? You might say something like this: “I feel I have no control over losing fat and It makes me just want to quit. I keep thinking, what’s the point?”
  4. Who would I be? How would I feel or how would I act, if I couldn’t think this thought?

I might be able to focus on my plan and improve on a plan instead of feeling that it is worthless and futile.  I might be less stressed about myself belief of limitation and be able to do better work.

Often times it’s our thoughts that go uninvestigated that cause the biggest obstacle. Doing this exercise each morning and good things will happen to you.

  1. Sleep and Recovery- If there is a drug or supplement that could help you:

Lose fat

Build Muscle


Better recovery from your life and workout

Optimize your hormones

Improve will power

Improve brain power

Keep you focused

Improve your mood

Help you control your appetite and craving more

Everyone would be swarming to it. But, this is exactly what happens when you start to get better sleep. The power can be amazing.  Get 7 to 8 hours a night is one of the easiest ways to get results.


  1. Manage your Energy- This is critical if you don’t manage your energy, you‘ll eventually burn out.

Have you ever done a diet that went well, you lost weight only to gain it all back? You reached a point where you couldn’t diet at all anymore. You got burnt out and suddenly you couldn’t get back on track and you wonder why.  Instead focusing on the hardest things, focus on the things that may be a little easier but you can do on a consistent basis. Then be aware when you need to dial it back. You can’t go 110% all the time and expect that you’re not going burn out; especially if you’re the caregiver for your family. What good are you if you’re so burnt out, that you can’t give as much as you want to?

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  1. Food prep and journal- This should be the first thing people master in order to lose fat. Nutrition is the key to losing fat, and doing these two things will make the most dramatic improvement. Willpower is overrated, if you’re prepared, you are much better at eating how you like. Even if you have to skip a workout to spend that time prepping food, it would be well worth it.

As far as the food journal goes: get comfortable logging everything in each week and review at the end of the week and look to see what few simple ways you can improve on it. If you did that for 52 weeks, you would be eating pretty well. I’m guessing you’d look pretty good for it and another thing: don’t have any shame for whatever you put in it. I don’t care if its ice cream, cakes, wine or some beers. You don’t have to be perfect to get results. What you eat has no reflection on you as a person. Just wait to see what kind of changes will happen.

  1. Protein –Eat protein with each meal 4x a day. This will help you build muscle & fight hunger. I’m sure you have heard this plenty of times, just make it a habit already.

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  1. Eat some healthy fats, but not too much – People are usually too extreme with fats, some saying it is bad and should be avoided or they think to have a whole bag of chips and have a ton of it. The truth in life: awesome seems to be in the middle. Make sure you consume some fat at each meal, but fats do contain more calories than other food so eat them in moderation. Example:

Cook with these healthy fats: butter, olive oil & coconut oil

Avocados are a great source of healthy fat, just don’t eat a whole one in one sitting

Proteins, like beef and fatty fish

Nuts 12-20 is usually a serving

Flax seeds

  1. Carbohydrates- Another one that has much controversy. The paleo people/Atkins will tell you that Carbs are the route to all evil. Well body builders for years have used them, to be the leanest people on the planet. Again the answer is in the middle. Here some facts to consider:

– If you train hard such as: lift, high intensity workouts, long endurance work. Eat starchy carbs 1-3 times day with your meals. A must if you’re trying to build muscle or tone up.

– The more natural and usually the better: I like jasmine rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, sweet potatoes and potatoes

– If you don’t exercise often a lower carb diet, might be best.

– My recommendation since I do advocate for strength and interval training is:

– If you’re trying to lose fat, only eat after you train.

– If you’re trying to maintain or build muscle, eat with 2-3 meal a day


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  1. Get Strong- When people think fat loss, it’s usually all about this intense cardio workout but strength training will make you look better, boosts your natural ability to burn calories even when you’re being lazy. It will allow you to eat more carbs, and that is always a good thing. So start doing some sort of strength training. You can do power lifts, kettlebell stuff, body weight stuff, just pick one and get strong and fit.
  2. PR-That means personal record – To truly get the muscle build effect of strength training, there is one rule you must obey: That is you should continue trying to do more work each time on that exercise. So, that might mean this week you do more reps, more weight, less rest. But each week if you’re trying to increase the work you do, you’re going to get strong. That will burn fat and build muscle.

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  1. Cardio and moving- I used to be pretty arrogant about this and say do interval training. I have a broader view of it now. I personally enjoy intense cardio like hill sprints, circuit, complexes etc. although it doesn’t have some benefits over regular cardio. What is most important especially if you’re lifting is just move more and break a sweat doing what you like to.

For me I like to:



Play sports

But, you can do almost anything as long as it physical and you get your heart rate up.


So maybe you like things like:





Spin etc.


Just move 2-4 x week and you’ll get your cardio and if you pick what you love, you’ll eventually enjoy it.


  1. Bonus – As hippie as this sounds – Love yourself. Stop beating yourself up for your failures and the all the negative things you feel about yourself. If you appreciate yourself more, you’d be surprised how easier it gets, to be motivated and stay motivated.


Here’s to you and an awesome year!


I’m going to talk to you about my 8 week challenge coming up. If you have no interest in training with us, please disregard this. I appreciate you reading my stuff and I truly hope it helps you.


So, I have this 8 week challenge and it starts on Jan 16th. If you are sick of trying to lose weight or maybe build muscle with no success. This program could be exactly what you could use to launch yourself to be the person you want to be. You’ll lose fat, build muscle, feel great about yourself and have fun doing it. If you’re interested, please apply here. We are only taking 20 people



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