4 Ways to stay lean while enjoying the Holidays!

The next couple of weeks are weeks of stress, rushing & business. But, its also going be time of good food, time with friends and family, that we cherish.

Sometimes when those things are combined, we have a tendency to take time off of our fitness goals.

That’s usually a recipe for disaster because:

-Most of the time people wont get back for week, month after the holidays are over

-Training your mind when things get tough, you quit.

-That taking care of self comes last when things get hectic

-Undo the habit building you’ve worked hard for the

As we often think it has to be all or nothing. We have to train and eat how we want and if we can’t, we’ll do nothing.

It doesn’t have to be like that.

Here are 4 way to still lose fat & build muscle during the next couple weeks.

1. Just do the work. This is over simplified but don’t quit working out. Maybe you can do usally an hour

workout 3-4x a week. But, you can’t tell me you have no time do anything. Even if its 10-20 minutes it is still better than nothing and the psychological aspect from maintaining a workout, will help you feel better about yourself and make eating a whole lot easier too. You don’t have time you say to do this 3x week?

Warm up

Jumping jax 30

Backwards lunges 5 each

Squats 10 each

Push up 5 each

Plank 30 sec

Burpies 10 each

X-mas work template

Squat variation:  jump squats. Drop squats, body weight squats

Pushup variation: pushup on couch, pushup regular, spider pushups

Single leg variation: split squat, lunge, step up, Bulgarian split squat

Upper back variation: rows with dumbbells or band, pull part with band, ywt iso holds

Core varation: plank, crunches, sit ups, ab roller

Do each one for 10-20 minutes depending on time. There are two ways to do this.

Density –Set your reps for each move from any where between 8-15 and run though as many times as

possible, while resting as little as possible.

Interval- Set each move for time and ration on each minute. Which would be how long you do the exercise

for and the rest during transition period. Example: if I do 40-20. I’ll do jump squats for 40 sec than rest and

get ready for my push-up for 20 sec, than do push-ups for 40 sec etc.

No excuses, make the workout happen!

2. Sleep: 7-8 hours a night and or do deep breathing drill for 5 minutes in the ma(google if you have to ).

This has been proven to help you be more present, have better will power, control cravings, lose more fat

and build more muscle. You know if all that stuff was in a supplement bottle, you’d take it. So, get your

sleep on and when you wake up breathe deep for 5 minutes.

3. Protein and water: Drink a ton of protein especially on the day you know you’ll be tempted to indulge in

alcohol, sweets, etc.  Like at a work party, Christmas eve, New years eve etc. Repeat the day after you indulge too, so its easier to get back to your normal habits.

4. On the days of those indulges, do two things: workout and save most of your carbs for the party. But, don’t go hungry. Fill your morning with protein, veggies, water and then indulge at night.  Most indulgences intend to be carbs anyway, so this works out great because you don’t end up over doing it by much.

If you’re truly committed to staying lean the next two weeks. At least do one of these and you‘ll notice the difference

If you are looking to start your transformation before January and are serious about making real changes that last a life time. Clik below to apply for my 8 week challenge. But, you should know its only for people who want do the work and grow into their best self.


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