Building Muscle in All the Right Places Part 2

It has been a couple of weeks since I did part 1 for the ladies, but I going bring you part two which is for men. But, there principle can definetly help any body.

Part one I addressed the best exercises for women who want to shape their butt and thighs. But for most guys, they do a lot of the right exercises. They do compound lifts like squats, bench, rows, pull downs, chin ups etc. (not saying that there aren’t those that should do more compound lifting and leave the isolation exercises alone, some of the time).

The biggest issue I see isn’t the exercise selection, but frequency, form and variety. That what I’ll go over today. With that being said here is what I think are the better exercises to develop a bigger chest, shoulders and back.

Chest Bench, dips, pushup with weights, db presses,

Back chin up, pull downs, 1 arm rows, low rows seated rows, dead-lifts, farmers walks,

Shoulder military press, lateral raises, face pulls, farmers walks

Biceps, bicep curls, hammer curls, pin wheel curls

Tricep, cable pushdown, skull crushers, tricep push-ups, close grip chest press

Let’s get to the good stuff…

  1. Frequency, too often guys who are looking to build muscle, do a 5-6 day split routine. This essentially means you only hit one body part once a week in one way. For some this works at the biginning but eventually its not going cut it. As long as you can recover, you’re going to get way better results training your body part twice or three times a week, rather than once.

Try this Monday upper Wednesday lower and Thursday upper

  1. Variety- There are people who will do the same exact routine for years. Change up your exercise or workout routine is always a good thing every month. But, I’m talking about variety from session to session. Now that we are going to train muscle multiple times a week, mix up the focus, reps, set and rest. What works great for building both strength and size, is on one day focus strength lifting heavy loads for fewer reps. On the next session focus on high reps and/or slower tempo. Since exercises that are best suited for each,are different; you’ll get some variety that you wont get bored with.


You might bench up to your 5rm max and than do a couple drop sets for 8. On the next day your hitting chain push-ups for as many reps as possible for 2 – 4 sets, focusing on taking 5 seconds to come down and exploding up.

This may help you bust through your plateau because you’re hitting muscle, building from different ways.

Form- Your abilty to fire your muscle has a lot to with not just going through this movement. But control enough and squeezing the muscle as hard as you can. Here is an example you can do where ever your reading this: Open your palm and let your arm hang, then bring your hand to your shoulder for a curl. Note what that feels like. Now clench your fist as hard as you can and curl, when you get to the top squeeze your bicep like your trying to pop it. Hopefully you will see my point. Here is what you need to do, to get the most out of each rep.

Learn how to do it correctly

Be present when you’re doing it, nothing else matters at that moment.

When its called for, control and squeeze for maximized contraction

Doing that alone if you usually don’t, will pack muscle on.

Hope this information, will get you to bust out of your plateau.

Stay strong

If you want me to personally design a strength and/or muscle building plan, to get you out of your muscle building struggles. Click here

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