10 Things You Need to Know About Your Fitness Transformation

The Summer is just about over and most people are looking to get focused on getting results.

For some, that mean less body fat or more toned muscle. Others want to feel great and have energy.

Whatever your reason is, there are a few things I have found with myself and hundreds of clients over the years.

The 10 Things You Should Know

1. What do you really want?
So, many of us only tap into the exterior goals, not really the why. The truth losing weight doesn’t mean crap to most people. It’s what it will do for them. It very easy to find this out. Ask yourself what is my goal? and ask yourself why? five times.

Example: I want lose 50lbs might really be – I want my husband to look at me like he used to and I feel if stay going down this road, I can’t play with my kids because I get winded fast. That doesn’t make me feel like the best parent. I might not be around to play with my grandkids.

You see how powerful that is, wouldn’t you put in a little more effort for that versus, hey I want lose 50lbs.

Find out what you truly want from losing weight, toning up, having more energy etc.

2. Is putting in the work worth it?
Sometimes people are pumped and ready get results, then they get hit with something that don’t like.


Changing your body means changing habits and your mindset  too. Once some people get the taste of that, they want little part of it. Some rather just stay where they are, than choose to grow.

You got to decide who do you want to be and also is working out 3-4 times a week and working on 1-2 habits a week worth, the attention of your husband, or the joy of connecting with you kids, because you can play with them?

This is also why knowing your why is crucial. It makes the growing pains worth it.

Another cool, things is I find the common person isn’t trying get 6 pack abs. But, more or less they want to lose fat, so they look and feel better. That also means you don’t have to live at the gym or eat like a rabbit to produce the results you want.


3.Meal Plans Suck
How would you like to shed 20lbs and gain it back? Maybe even more. This my beef with meal plan diets that people know they can’t stick to for long. Any program that eliminates an entire food group or macro nutrient (protein, carbs or fats) is asking for trouble. Now if you’re someone that can do that long term, go for it.

Too often people focus on things they don’t have the skills or desire to stick to. A great example is cut carbs out for 30 days. What you’ll see probably is big weight loss at the beginning (most of that’s just water) and you‘ll lose some fat and also some muscle too. Which slow down your metabolism. Than one will go to party and have some carbs. Than they completely get off it there low carb, gain all the weight back. Than it might be week, months before they try diet again

If you want a true transformation, instead doing things you won’t stick to forever. Think about what’s skills I need to develop, to hit this goal. Break all the skills and habits down to manageable steps. Think about focusing on a few every few weeks, once your comfortable move on.

Example would be:

Week 1-3 eat protein for breakfast and 100 oz. water

Week4-6 Include 2 serving of veggie with most meal and swap one bad carbs for healthy one.

Week7-9 Eat carbs only after you train and reduce how your cheats (not eliminate)

Don’t you think that would be more doable, and you would have built skills and habits that become second nature over time?

4. Strength Training is king
This is nothing new, been the truth for years. Too many people try hit tons of cardio and low calories diet to combat fat loss. This produces some weight loss, before a frustrating plateau and big rebound weight gain.

Basically that combo makes you lose muscle mass and that means a slower metabolic rate (less calorie burned)

Start lifting and trying do more work each week. Either by increasing your weights, reps or reduce rest period.

That will get you started, for fat loss, body toning and obviously getting stronger.

5. Programming with your Stress

I myself love high intensity exercise, but when its programmed too much or with people who have way too much stress…this can be a big mistake.

Typical people stay up to late and don’t get enough sleep.

Maybe they’re tying lose weight, so they cut there calories too low.

They’re training almost daily, really hard weight & intervals etc.

Their job stresses them out and maybe even their spouse and kids

What happens here is you’re always in a stress state that messes with your hormones and your ability to recover.

That’s a recipe for less fat loss, less muscle gain and horrible energy.

Some quick guidelines if that sounds like you

Sleep 7-8 hours
Incorporate at least 1-3 rest day or low intensity days into your program.
Eat the right amount of food.
Do something that makes you smile.
6.  Assess and Adjust

The truth is getting big results, takes not only work but constant adjustments. That is why is so vital that you track your progress in some way. As well as track what you’ve been doing, so you can make adjustments and then see what that produces.

Start thinking of lack of progress as an opportunity to learn something that work for you instead of a big failure.

A couple guide lines:

Weight and measure very 2-3 weeks

If you’re getting results keep doing what you’re doing.

If you’re not getting the results you want, think about how you can get better food choices in, better portion sizes and better sleep or even better exercise


7. Emotional eating and sedation

Have you ever been on a role but then a stressful week hits? You can’t stop eating or reaching for the wrong things.

People love to talk about what you should eat and what’s the best diet, but the truth is you already know that.

Why you eat what you eat is far more important.  Awareness towards this area and working through it is a game changer. It could be the reason every diet you ever tried has failed you.

A few reason why we can’t control our eating

-We eat out of boredom, to have fun or to socialize with people.

-We eat due to stress. Thinking about food can instantly make us feel a little better as life gets tough.

-We eat maybe to procrastinate from doing work

-We eat to fill a void or because we emotionally beat ourselves up.

-We eat out of habit “I’ve always done this way because” etc.

Now, just because you’re aware of it doesn’t mean you won’t do it, but it brings it in to your conscious brain that gives more opportunity to make a choice.

Become aware and see if you are eating mostly out of hunger or need. Is it because of stress, boredom and habits you have become use to?


8. Got Sleep?

If you walked into a room, when a baby was sleeping and starting yelling and being loud, everyone would be pissed. Babies need their sleep to feel good and do the things a baby need to do.

So, at what point did we decide sleep was optional?

Although, some get away with less sleep and feel it’s not a must.

Your mind, and body will operate on completely different level if you get more sleep.

You’ll get better fat loss, muscle gain and ton of energy. A must if you train hard, and a lot. Or if you have a lot of stress.

Few tips for better sleep

Try to go to sleep at the same time each night.

Get some sun daily to make easier to fall asleep.

Do something relaxing before you go to sleep, read, stretch, breathe etc.?

Maybe even distress, if you have  a lot on your mind about what you have to do tomorrow. Dump it on piece paper that may help ease your mind enough to get some zzzzz


9. Accountability

This is so over looked when producing results, people head to their gym in flocks every New Year’s only to give up a month after.

Having someone, a friend, a coach, etc. hold you to what you said you were committed to, can’t be overvalued. The best people: athletes, business people, politicians etc. have people they trust to keep them accountable, and to give them feedback.

But, sometimes we feel, “hey I can do it myself I don’t need anyone.”

Not that it can’t be done…

If you want to – go quick, go by yourself and if you want; go far go with us.


10. Learn to be gentle with yourself


This journey can be a tough one. You’ll have ups and down. You’ll fail and come up short many times. If you want those setbacks to be a lesson that launches you to success…

Learn two things

1. Be gentle with yourself, don’t beat yourself up.

2. Abstract a powerful lesson each day from each mistake and see where you can apply it tomorrow.

That’s the 10, lets review it.

1. What do you actually want?

2. Are you willing to commit to get that?

3. Build habits, don’t go on a diet.

4. Strength Train

5. Take your stress in to account.

6. Asses and Adjust

7. Deal with your emotional eating

8. Sleep more and better quality

9 You need accountability

10. Be gentle and learn from your mistakes

I hope this gave you some insight into how to really create results that last. And maybe gave you some ideas on what you have done wrong in the past.


More importantly teach you the best action steps, to take.

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