Do These To Lose Fat And Build Muscle In All The Right Places?

If you want to lose fat, it’s probably follow by I want this to be tighter, firmer, more toned or bigger in some cases. If your a guy who wants a bigger chest or female who wants a firmer butt.

For most fat loss is half the battle.

Today I’m going break down the best exercise for certain parts of your body. Here’s the deal, you should do all these movements for fat burning , injury prevention and health reasons.

But, the area you want to be more developed make sure you hit it with more frequency. So, if you want better arms, you should probably hit arms 2-3 x week.

Let’s get rolling

Chest And Triceps

Push ups variations- Great for building your chest, shoulder and the back of your arms. They are best for higher reps think sets of 10-20. Go slower on the way down.

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Chest press- Great for building your chest, shoulder and the back of the arms. This is a great one for lower end rep range 5-15 reps.

Dip variation- Great for really build mass in your arms and pecs. They can rough on shoulder thought. I like 5-10 reps.

Upper back Muscle

Strap rows/trx row-Great for learning and build foundation upper body strength and developing your upper back and biceps. Best used for higher resp like push up stick 10-15 reps.


1 arm row- Same muscle group but better for lower end reps. Like 6-10 reps. With that said make sure you do weights, that you can do with great form.

Seated row cable or band- Great for building middle back muscle make sure you don’t, do any jerky motions control the weight.

Chin ups or pull ups- The king of back exercise but only if you can do right with pain. Chin up seem to easier on the shoulder.


lat pull down- Great upper body exercise if you can’t do chin ups. Either do it wide or underhand. Also great for higher reps, which can be hard for chins ups.

Glutes(butt muscles) and hamstring

Hip thruster-The king of the glute exercise. You’ll get the most muscle glute work with this exercise. Make sure you extend with your hips and not your lower back. Go heavy for reps of 8-15. Always pause for two seconds at the top and crush your glutes.

Deadlifts- Great variation for building glute and hamstring strength and muscle. Make sure you have awesome form. Use your legs to lift , not your back.

Squats- Great exercise for the glutes but there is a lot quad and hamstring work too. The more you sit back on your hips like, box squat the more hip and glutes activation you ‘ll get. The more vertical you get like kb squat or front will be more quads. Great for lower end reps 5-10.


Single leg deadlift- Great glute and hamstring exercise, as well as core strength. I like with reps of 6-10 per leg.

lunges and split squat- Amazing for glutes especially elevated split squats. Really good for mobility and joint health. As well core work. I like 8-12 reps per side.


Romaine deadlift- Great for building those hamstring, and stick with 8-15 reps.

Quads exercise

Step ups- Great exercise for the front of your legs. Focus on slowly coming down. Great for 8-15 reps.

Squats- Like I said earlier, stick to squats that keep you more upright go for higher reps and slower tempo.

lunges- Great for the quads focus staying more up right if you want trigger the front of your legs.


Planks- Great for basic core strength keep 30-40 sec.

Crunch variation and do 8-12 resp, don’t rush it and focus on contracting your abs as hard as you can.

Jackinfe- Great for 10-20 reps, try keep your lower back flat.

Fall out or ab roll out- Amazing core variation for your abs make sure you don’t arch your back.  I like reps 8-12 reps.


There you got the best drills fro each body part. Make sure your doing the right exercise for, what your trying to accomplish.



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The Busy Person Guide To Nutrition. Or Really anybody

Busy, stressed out and too many responsibility’s have staying on nutrition tough. This guide is for you.

You see you got make your nutrition program work for you not the other way around. I’m going to guide , on how to customize your nutrition, so its fits you.

Asses- Let’s take a few minutes asses your current situation. Big mistake is people do things, they are not yet ready for.

Test your hr in am for few days. If it’s  higher than 65. You are probably under fear amount stress, you should stay away from advance nutrition strategies . Get more sleep.

How are you kitchen skills? Do you cook well, can flavor food well with spices, do prep food well? If you said no to most of those, your going start with level 1 below.

Keep food log for a week. Whats pop out at you, that is your weak point? This should point to where, you should focus on first.

Do you have good social support? If no, your going want start slower . It might be harder for you maintain will power. So start easy and progress from there.

Are you really committed to doing or are you kinda on the fence? If your not super committed and motivated  your going want start with 1 habit every 2-3 weeks. Build some small wins first. You might tempted to do too much, we have to honest about where, we are at for this to work.

The plan

Level 1- This is for pure beginners, you have very hard time staying on most diets, you don’t cook very much, not too much social support and aren’t sure you can make any nutrition changes.

Work on 1-2 habits at item and until your extremely confident with them. If your not confident in doing them, make it easier at first.

Keep a food log and track everything.

Eating slower and stopping when your full, not stuffed.

Be present and know why your eating? Are you hungry, Are you bored or Are stressed?

Plan, shop and prep each week. You can do this for the whole week or maybe at first its just for breakfast and build on that. Another thing is plan, shop  and prep for your trouble meal. Maybe that is breakfast, lunch , snack after work etc.

Focus on not beating yourself up and feeling bad when you eat something, that you might consider bad.

Focus on eating at least 3x a day. If you prefer 4-6 that is fine but at least get 3 meals in.

Level 2-This the next step is good for beginner, who has done well before. If your ready for something more advanced but tracking calories stress you out. You are comfortable with most of level 1 habits.

Protein Eat 1-2 palm of lean protein 3-4x a day. Think meats, poultry, seafood, eggs and yogurt.

Eat more veggies and fruit- Eat veggies with each meal focus on low starch ones like broccoli, asparagus, kale, and green beans. Eat some fruit, if your trying lose fat, you should eat double the fruit you have in veggies.

Consume healthy fats- Keep it simple try have fats from animal products like meats or eggs, have some fat from plant sources such olive oil,avocados and eat fatty fish 2-3 x week or supplement with omega 3 fish oil.

Drink more water- Try to drink 20 oz when you first wake up and by the end of day drink 1/2 bw in ounces.

Carbs- Try to eat most of your starchy carbs like potato, rice, wrap etc after your intense training session.

Level 2 This for if you know a lot about nutrition and you can eat pretty healthy. You can also do all the above without a problem. You need more result from your nutrition program.

Create a deflcit-Cut 150-250 calories a day. Do this by using a calories tracker or look up common calories for foods. You’ll have a good idea, how you can reduce your foods a bit to get the scale moving. You would do the opposite if your trying to gain weight.

Ensure your not under eating-Track calories and make sure you not eating under 10x your bw for significant amount of time.

Focus on nutrition timing- Focus on eating carbs before and after you train and limit or cut them out , when you don’t.

Have a high calories day of good quality food every two weeks, to avoid your metabolism adapting to lower calorie range.

Asses-Decide how are you going track your progress. Basically how are you going know if these things are successful. You could use

-A Scale

-A measuring tape

-A body fat analyzer


-Clothes that don’t fit or are tight.

Make sure you know in what intervals  you’ll check. If you get results, don’t change a thing. If you don’t see results, ask your self this question.

-How is adherence to the habit, can it be better. A lot times you might just improve your adherence. Example going from doing something 60% of time to 80% time, can create some big changes.

-If your adherence is good, whats the next step to work on, refer to my levels, don’t move too fast. The key is making things stick long term.

There it that is your guide to how customize your nutrition if you are super busy. Be honest with your self , take action and adjust as needed.


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My Top Five Things To Find MY Motivation And Maybe Yours?

Motivation is one thing we all want. But, the truth is motivation come and goes like the sun. Sometimes its bright and shinny. Other its no where to be found.

Here are five things to think about, if your not motivated.

1.Action creates more motivation, than setting goals, watching motivation videos and looking at fitness memes. We have this myth , that we have to feel a certain way to take action. The truth is it is, just a story we tell yourself. If you need more motivation take some action and I promise you’ll have more than, you had. Even if ts just small things at first, like going for walk, drinking more water, eating a little less sugar. You’ll start to feel good, and that can be the start of your motivation.


2. Do something physical you love. There is one thing get me out of my  slump or boost my motivation(mood for that matter) than moving, exercising,etc what ever you want call it. If your lacking motivation focus on things you like to do.

I know for me these always do wonder.

-Get out side and go for walk or do some hill sprints blasting my favorites tunes. Listening to my favorite podcast too. My favorite are renegade radio and joe defranco industrial strength show.

-Do some martial arts and compete.

-Dome random bodyweight exercise, Sometimes I’ll just go in my back yard to do a random set of pull up.10485530_10152508759900135_1712537744389771718_n

Remember your not me, do something you like, maybe that is zumba, riding a bike, yoga etc.

3. Your probably stress out. I never meant a person who wasn’t  motivated and stressed at the same time. Stress kills a lot of things, but it destroys your motivation. You need to do some things for yourself and let your body and mind recover. Here is mine. Thinking about things that you enjoy and energize you. As well as doesn’t cause any stress. Example you might love jogging but going out doing 3-7 miles day, is beating the body up a bit.

For me I like

-mediation or breathing drills


-The sun

-Reaching out to people you care about and catch up.


4. Get help. We all need help at times. Don’t be too proud to ask for help. Reach out to someone, who seems more motivated. If you can try to be around them more and even train with them. Sometimes we need people to help us get started and maybe hold us accountable.

5. Do you even want this. If your still having trouble getting going. Time to ask the tough questions. Do you really even want this ? On scale 1-10 how much? Or did you think you wanted this because, your friend was doing it. Or you think that be leaner will make you happier. It may not it also may not. Sometimes being super honest with your self and coming to terms what you really want. What you really will commit to. Can be huge. You might find that you don’t want lose fat, but you just want feel better about yourself. There are loads of ways to do that, that you may enjoy better. Than stressing out about getting workouts in  you hate, lose weight and tracking a food journal.

Try a few of these out and see if it helps. The cool thing is, once you find what works for you, make it into habit or daily routine. Staying on track becomes so much easier.

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