5 Way To Actually Get Results And Keep Them

Every year this seems to be a time of reflection, on how the year has gone. With reflection, we are sometimes inspired to make an upgrade, a chnage or pursue something better.

Unfortunately for fitness, the failure rate is all too high.

Here are 5 important things to get result but keep them as well.

  1. How you start your day. The first thing to work on is, upgrade what you do in the morning. Think of how you feel and act when you wake up late and have to run out the door. Than think of how you feel, if you ever got up and had more relaxing morning. Or if you ever exercises in the morning. How you feel and most likely how act, were different.

I’ll have you consider how  you start your day can be catalyst to good day or rough day.

So, consider doing 1-3  these things first thing, when you wake up. If you can’t just try do ti once a day. Now you don’t want to do too much. You want be able to repeat each day. So start small and you can go bigger over time. Make it so easy, it would be hard to make an excuses not do it.

-Mediation, breathing, or listen to your favorite music for 2-5 minutes

-Exercises, go for a 2-5 minutes walk, stretch, do body weight exercises, do some fast exercises to get get your hear rate up and wake up. The key is don’t have a routine, just do what you want as long as your moving. Start at 2-3 minutes of movement and you add if you want.

-Fuel -Chug 20 oz of water and/or green smoothie or a protein drink.


This is a game changer, don’t undervalue this. Do it everyday or at least 6 times a week.

2. If you always have trouble exercising. But, you can never do it for long period of time. Commit to 3 workouts a week for no less than 15 minutes. Build the habit, do what ever you like. That will make it easier to move first. Even if that is zumba, or spin. Two things I hate. But if it gets you to start moving, I’m all for it. The more you enjoy it the better. Than if you feel you want to or need to you can transition to training methods, which may be more effective. I like lifting, martial arts and interval. So, I spend most of my time doing that.


3. Improve your average and worst. Once you are confident with the two above. Start improving your nutrtion. Don’t overhaul it over night. Think of how can you improve your average and worst days . But, just by little. Do simple logical things like.

Cut a little processed food or sugar.

Add fruit and veggies with a meal or two.

Cut down your coffee intake by a cup or reduce how much sugar you use.

Add more natural protein to your one or two meals.

Cut back on how soft drink you have by little.

Make it do able and repeatable. Start small and go bigger. Small hinges open big doors

4. Sleep- If sleeping was in a pill. Everyone would want it. It is the most powerful thing you can do to lose fat, build muscle, boost energy and be happier. Work on improving your sleep. Either by sleeping longer or improving the quality. Here are some things that may help.

-Go to bed earlier.

-Get comfortable bed or pillow.

-Drink less caffeine during the day. Cut or reduce alcohol as well.

-Get sunlight during the day.

-Cut out electronic an hour before bed or dim the screens.

-Read before bed.

-Deep belly breathing, yoga, stretching or mediation before bed.

-Take a shower.

-Write down everything that on your mind on paper.

-Supplement like new mood from onnit, zma, magnesium oil or pill

-Anything else that will help relax


Like anything start with a couple your not doing and add as you go.

5. Read a book. One of things that get in our way. Is our self. And how we think and come to conclusion. Be open to changing how you think, can go long way. Here is a few books I like.

The big leap

You are a bad ass

Loving What is

The dark side of the light chasers


Ego is the enemy


If your resistant to this. Consider is, how you think and act serving you. Meaning is it giving you the things you want. If not maybe consider an alternative way. You can always go back to old ways after.

Hope these help you  and point in the right direction .I hope that you choose the path of changing small things for long times, instead of extreme fad diets and workout. That may leave you worse than , when you stared.

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