5 Go To Workout to A quick one

Hi guys sometimes you don’t have all the time in world to workout or your so drained. You just want do quick one, to get moving.

So, I wanted to share my go to workouts, when I’m in a bind or not feeling a big workout but still want to make sure I move on that day.

  1. OEM

I made a video about this on facebook the other day. But, this super simple and kinda seems like nothing but it takes a toll.

Every minute just do an exercise for 8-15 reps. Do it as fast as you can , than rest for the rest of the minute.

Example if you for 10 jump squats and it takes you have 15 sec, you take 45 sec to rest.

You do one exercise or a few and alternate for variety.

Do this 10-20 minutes.

2. Countdowns

This has to be my favorite. Do this one more exercises. Start at reps and work your way down.

Have fun with it. You countdown by 1,2,3,5s.

Here a few example

jump squat 10,9,8,7,6, etc

pushups 10,9,8,7,6 etc

Or do it more circuit style

burpies 14

pushups 14

lunges 14/side

squats 14

Each round drop by 2 reps until you get to 2


Especially on summer day this is great. Go to a park, hill or beach. Sprint a distance all out as fast you can. than walk back to where you started do this 6-12 reps or 10-20 minutes

4. Complexes

This is a good one if you have weights at home and want quick workout. Even if there not heavy.

A complex is when you do circuit with one piece of equipment do each exercise as fast you can and not putting the implement down until you done every exercises. You can do this 2-5 sets

Example for 10lbs db

Squat and press 10 reps

lunges 10 reps total

bent over rows 10 reps

burpies with db 10 reps

Rest and repeat

Or a simpler one with a kb

kettle bell swing- dead lift and squat press all 12 reps.

Rest and Repeat

5. Flows and freestyle

Exercise and movement doesn’t have to be so structured. Sometimes I just get on the floor and move, how I feel. I’ll do some squat , than go into some mountain climbers, than go into some pushups and just do movements I enjoy.


jump squat 10

bear squat 10

pushups 10

spidr climber 10 total

You could be more creative and flow or do something like that for 5 minutes.

This great wake up in am.

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