Eat Less And Move More. Is it true?

A few days ago, one of my clients sent this article, about why eating less and moving more is bad advice and I read through, definitely had some thoughts on it

So, here are than main points, I would get out of it and apply to your life. To lose fat, build muscle and feel great


Thought 1 Hunger kills your diet

Hunger makes diets fail. This should be obvious to most. But, why do we jump on diets that make us sohungry. If you’re hungry all the time and unsatisfied, its only matter of time, that you will fall off. This can be tricky, the key is to eat in way that, you won’t be hungry all the time but still produce results here are some idea

-Eat more volume drink a ton water and start most meals with veggies and proteins before you hit carbs, you’ll be eating more food by volume but less calories and you’ll start losing weight from less calories.

-Learn the difference between hunger and habit of eating. Always question your hunger, are you really hungry or are you board. If you were busy right, now would you be thinking about food.

-For some people eating lighter on certain days or times and eating bigger at other times and day. Can help people eat less sustains it. You might, not have an issue with not eating breakfast, but if you don’t eat enough at night, you’re miserable.


Thought 2 Decision Fatigue

Decision fatigue or what I call will power fatigue. Is real and is the big cause of failure in both exercise and nutrition. There have been studies on , how much and how hard you have to make decisions can affect your, what decisions you’ll make later. If you use less will power on your diet and workouts. You’ll probably be more compliant and get better results. Some idea for this one

-Find a workout program you love and do it often, maybe it’s not workout but activity. Like martial arts, sports etc. Do it often, work hard at and have fun and you’ll produce results.

-Find a diet and foods that you won’t hate eating, hence use less will power. You can try to eat boring food you hate or eat foods that will help produce result, but you still enjoy.

Focus on achieving those two things more you won’t get will power fatigue and your compliancy will breed results.


Thought 3 No cardio just weights

You don’t need any cardio to lose fat . You can do resistance training 3-4x a week.

This is true, everything about how building muscle will help increase your metabolic rate and make fat loss easier.

Here is my idea for doing some conditioning, these might not apply to you, in which case lift and eat right and you’ll be completely able to get to your fat loss goals.

-Conditioning can be fun and activities that may want to do outside the workout, require cardio, like sports, a 5 k race etc

-Your aerobic conditioning controls how fast you can recover between sets, days etc. Even a 300lbs lineman needs cardio, not because he needs to run a lot. But, because it controls his recovery in between plays.

-Excel fat loss by burning extra calories.

Give 1 or 2 these things a try and see the result get better and better

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