5 Simple Way To Make The holidays Work With Your Fitness

Holiday are you here and a lot more are coming.

Holidays are meant to be fun.

There is no reason why you can’t enjoy holidays without losing your muscle, strength and adding on the pounds.

Follow these guidelines to enjoy the holidays stress free.


  1. Stop with your all or nothing. Yeah you might busy and have a lot going on. But, that doesn’t mean you don’t have time exercise at all and just go back to all your old habits. Be willing to keep up with your workouts and build nutrtion habits. Make them easier to accomplish on busy or stressful weeks. But, do something. The first thing you need to do, give up this excuse. If you choose to accept this story your asking to regress.
  2. Nutrition can be very tough, with thanksgiving, Holiday parties Christmas and New years. Just be smart and make the most of the days in between those events. As well as if you have an event coming up. 2-3 Days prior cut your carbs and fat a bit. Not a ton but just a little bit to prepare for your indulgent. Example of this

To cut carbs

-Cut some fruit out.

-Cut some starches maybe a meal or reduce your portion size, like cutting 1 cup rice to half cup.

To cut a little fat

-Eat leaner cuts of meat or egg whites.

-Reduce your added butter or oil. Eliminate or cut it. Example going from a table spoon to teaspoon.

-Cut or reduce added fat like peanut butter , avocados, cheese or fatty salad dressing.

3. A carb depletion workout. Basically when we eat carbs, we store them inside our muscle. If we eat too much they get converted to body fat. So, depleting your stored carbs before you are going to indulge at a party or a holiday. Is externally effective for surviving the holidays. Maybe it’s a morning workout the day of or a workout the night before. To do this follow these guide lines

-Do a full body workout.

-Do high reps of 12-20 reps or do super slow reps like 4 sec down and 4 sec up.

-Try hit each one of these type of exercise’s squat, lunge, deadlift, upper body push or a upper body pull.

Finish your workout with this countdown, do 10 jump squats and 10 push ups, drop a 1 rep  each set until you get to 1 rep. Rest as little as possible.

Bobby - Sleds

Give these things a try and keep your muscle and stay lean. Or even use this to get leaner.

If you want more holiday strategies, check out my seminar at my gym next Thursday. Open to anybody for free.



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