Simple And Easy Nutrtion Plan

Remember training wheels, when you were learning to ride your bike.

They started you off, on riding a 2 wheel bike.

It took some of the fear, of falling off.

Gave you the opportunity to learn the basic of riding a bike.

Eventually , we just took the wheels off and were riding on two wheels, no problem.

That’s what I want to give you today, simple template for nutrtion.

I love templates, they work great and will give you simple guideline, to learn the foundation of great nutrtion.

Sooner or later you can break off the template and change a few things, without falling on your face.

If tracking calories and macro overwhelms you. And nutrtion confuses you. This might be great for you.

Try to build up to nailing this simple template most days.

Meal Plan

Training wheels template

This template consist  of three meals, They don’t have to be done at any specific time. So, say your not hungry first thing in morning, no problem do the first meal , a few hour into your day.

Meal 1- Eat some protein, with veggies and fruit.

Meal 2- Have a big serving of veggies, handful of protein and healthy fats. If you trained in the am , you can eat some  starchy carbs here too.

Meal 3- Big serving of protein, veggies and starches.

Desert- Have some fruit, if your still hungry.


Focus on eating until your full but not stuffed.
Eat mostly unprocessed foods.
Drink water though out the day.
If your hitting this on a consistent basis but, you don’t feel like your dropping fat or building muscle do this.
Fat loss- Eat a little less carbs and/or fats, the next few day and reassess.
Build muscle- Eat little more carbs and give it a week to see if you gained weight, than reassess.
If you get hungry eat more protein at your meals and/or snack on fruit and nuts as well.

Here an example.

Wake up 6am Drink a tall glass of water. Have some coffee if you like to.

8am- Green smoothie pineapples, flax seed, yogurt, spinach, apple juice and water

12pm -Big salad spinach, onions, peppers, chicken berries, goat cheese and a little dressing

3pm- Apple and almonds

6pm sirloin tips, jasmine rice, asparagus and butter

desert optional -Banana ice cream – put 1 frozen chopped up banana, 1 tbsp peanut butter, cocoa powder(1 scoop of protein optional), with tiny bit of milk in a food processes.Blend until it has ice cream like texture or just snack on some berries.

As you can see, it’s so no strict that makes you eat the same boring foods but has guidelines so you stay in check.

Give it a try, if you have any question let me know

joe p

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