5 Behaviors To Try For A Fit Fall

I know it’s the f word no one wants to hear. But, with the summer winding down and Fall and back to school is around the corner.

Your probably either want maintain what you accomplish this summer or maybe you didn’t do much this summer. Your looking to get back to routine as the kids go back to school.

Hell, you might even be looking shed some quick pounds before labor day weekend. These help with that.

5 behaviors to change.

  1. Create a morning routine. This could be so many different things. But, committing to doing something simple in morning that will set the tone of the day. The key here is it has to be  simple enough that you can do it daily and will be powerful enough to have a postie effect on your day.

Here are a few ideas

-Drink 20 oz water first thing in the morning.

-Start each day with a green smoothie(Throw frozen fruit, spinach and protein in a blender)

-Move for 5-20 min get your energy up. This could be a walk around the block, some stretches, some body weight stuff like squat, push ups and plank etc.

-Meditation, deep breathing or yoga

2. Turn exercising from a should to a must. Make it unacceptable not get exercise in, you might have to change your plan at times. Always commit no matter what , to getting 3 workout in a week.If you can’t make it to the gym, make workout at home or a walk. The big thing is make it must instead of a maybe.

3. Record, reflect, shop and prep. This is basic but huge to delivering mega results. Record your food and workouts. Each week make time to review what you did, as well make plan for the following the week and shop. Do this each weekend and your nutrtion will improve dramatically with your results.

4. Go to bed. Most of us under estimate the power of sleep has on our energy,  mood, fat loss and muscle building results. Work on going bed earlier getting 7-8 hours sleep. If you have trouble sleeping try this.

-Breathe, mediate, listen to relaxing music or read .

-Make sure where you sleep is as dark as you can make it.

-Don’t go your phone, computer 1 hour before bed.

-If need extra help try new mood from onnit.

5. Start being aware of the stories you tell yourself. We have thousand of thousand of thoughts every day and some these can be false stories of why didn’t do something, or did something. If they go unchecked, they can effect your action, habits and ultimately life in major ways. As you start this fitness journey be aware of the stories, excuse you tell your self . Are they 100% true and also think how do respond when you  think of them alot. What would you do differently if you could n’t think those thoughts.

This can be game changer if you, start doing these. Simple but super effective.

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