Relentless Grappler 9-Week BJJ Strength & Conditioning Program

Relentless Grappler 9-Week Strength & Conditioning Program

Achieve Mat Dominance and stay healthy without spending hours in the gym and giving up BJJ classes.

Grab My Free BJJ Workout Program Ways To Stay Injury Free & Dominate On The Jiu-Jitsu Performance

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The Relentless Grappler 9-Week Strength & Conditioning Program

Struggling on the mat?

This program will help:

  • You stay healthy.
  • Get better faster at BJJ.
  • Be stronger and more explosive on the mat.
  • Recover Faster.
  • Dominate your next competition.

Grab My Free BJJ Workout Program Ways To Stay Injury Free & Dominate On The Jiu-Jitsu Performance

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BJJ FAll River 4 Common BJJ Strength Misconceptions


…and why should you trust me?

My name is Bobby Collins ! I’m a 3 Stripe BJJ Brown Belt and personal trainer for 15 years.

I was coming from an extensive strength and conditioning back round.

I realized how our fitness plays a massive role in the quality of our BJJ journey and even if we can last.

It’s simple by:

  • Getting stronger and more explosive on the mats.
  • Dealing with less injuries.
  • Being able to recover quicker, so we can get in more high quality training sessions.
  • Improve our conditioning, so we can stop gassing out so easily.

We can progress faster in this martial art and every training session becomes more effective.

And since we aren’t always hurt and gassing out. It is often a lot more fun.

So, I decided to go all in and do my best to help the BJJ community, I love. This program is a product of giving back to you guys. Along with posting daily BJJ Strength and conditioning tips on Instagram and daily e-mails.

Grab My Free BJJ Workout Program Ways To Stay Injury Free & Dominate On The Jiu-Jitsu Performance

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