April 15, 2024
BJJ Strength & Conditioning For Busy Dads
As I get closer to 40, and I talk to more guys who want better ,BJJ Strength & Conditioning For Busy Dads can be your secret weapon to adding years to your BJJ life.
We all want to train BJJ for a long time, but without getting injured.
As well as get the most out of it by being in great shape.
The issue as a dad myself, time is a major issue.

But, so are the resources your body has to recover from training.
To many guys will use programs, that designed for guys who entire physical activity is lifting in the gym.
Doing programs like that, can crush busy dad who, are trying to work, be a good dad, and train BJJ 3x a week.
Today, I want to give you some resources to get strong and build a body, that can sustain the brutality of BJJ and keep you healthy.
BJJ Strength & Conditioning For Busy Dads
This stands for rate of perceived exertion. This a common method to determine how intense a particular set is.
How close to failure you are going.
We usually coach this on a scale 1-10.
We want our sets to be between 7-9. This is higher enough to see the most strength and muscle gains.

But, we know lifting is not the only thing you do. You’re a busy dad or mom. You get after it on the mats 3-6x a week.
Taking every set to an RPE of 9-10, can leave you smoked and may increase your chances of an injury.
If we pull back to a 6-7( Which you can think of having 3-5 reps left in the tank)
It is still intense enough to make gains, but without the mega stress. So, it will easier to recover from.
Something else you can do, is waive the intensity.
Week 1 Focus on learning the exercises and keep the RPE at 6-7
Week 2 Starting pushing a high RPE 7-8
Week 3 Keep pushing the RPE to 8-9 maybe add, extra set.
Week 4 Last week , be smart but really get after RPE 9-10
Then start a new BJJ Strength & Conditioning For Busy Dads program and repeat. This is what I do with my 1 on 1 online coaching. If you’re interested, click below and apply

If you want to stay healthy , you have to learn to adjust the intensity. Especially, during times that you life is more stressful, focus on lower intensity and then when life eases up , you can go a little harder.
2 Sets
Volume can be a killer, if you’re training a ton of BJJ, and under recovering.
You can get great BJJ strength gains and/or build muscle with a little work.
As long as the sets are done with enough intensity .
The key here is to go hard, using a higher RPE 7-9 like we talked about before.
As you go harder, it is important to keep good form and not get sloppy.
Sticking to just 1-2 hard sets can work wonders, I know it is surprising.
This still includes proper warm up sets, maybe 1-3 to get you ready for those 1-2 hard sets.
Another benefit of this style of training, is if you’re a busy guy, you can get in and out of the gym, and still make enough gains.

3 Exercise Workout
If your issue is lack of time or you don’t recover well. This is a solid way to train, that will help you.
This is real simple. Pick three exercise per workout, do this 1-3x a week.
- Pick a lower body exercise
- Pick an upper body push exercise
- Pick an upper body pull exercise
You can do this in straight sets, this is when you do all the sets with one exercise before moving on.
Or if you have less time do it in a circuit, one after the other.
But for best results, rest 60-90 s between sets.
Here is an example if I did using straight sets
- Split squats 4 sets of 6 rest 60s
- Ring push up 4 sets of 10 rest 60s
- Seated Rows 4 sets of 15 rest 60s
Here is what a circuit may look like
- Split squats 4 sets of 6 rest 30s
- Ring push up 4 sets of 10 rest 30s
- Seated Rows 4 sets of 15 rest 2 minutes
These will be quick, but will give you great benefits from building strength for BJJ and keeping injuries away.
The 14 day workout program
If you look at some of the best programs, that are going to help you develop everything you need like
- Power
- Max Strength
- Muscle Building
- Conditioning
It’s hard to do this in just 2 workouts a week. 3-4 workout plan is often better.
But, say your a busy dad, and you can’t do more then two workouts per week due to
- You just don’t have time.
- Maybe doing over 2 workouts, would crush you. You can’t seem to recover from it.
It is completely ok and effective to extend 3-4 day program for more then 7 days.
So, say your program is 3 days per week, but you can only train on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Week 1
Mondays Day 1 of the workout
Wednesdays Day 2 of the workout
Week 2
Monday Day 3 of the workout
Wednesday Day 1 again
Then just cycle the program like this, so you get the benefits of a 3x per week workout plan.
Being a father, working full time , doing BJJ and staying in shape is no easy task.
But, with a few adjustments you can make it possible.