October 23, 2023
2 Days A Week Strength Training For BJJ
I want to give you a little gift, here is a 2 Days A Week Strength Training For BJJ.
In the last couple of months, I have written countless articles about how to train for BJJ, so you get hurt less and dominate on the mat. Check them out here
Today, I’m going to take the guesswork out of it all. By giving you a 2 Days A Week Strength Training For BJJ.
You can program strength and conditioning for BJJ in many ways.
But, it seems like many guys , only have the chance to train, two times a week.
That is what I’m going to give you today. This is plenty for most guys because:
- That is all they can recover from.
- They rather spend most of their extra time, on the mats instead of the weight room.
- They don’t want it to interfere with BJJ
Your 2 Days A Week Strength Training For BJJ
This is written with the masses in mind.
It is not customized for you.
Feel free to sub out movements, that don’t feel the best for your body.
If you need help adjusting these, you might enjoy my 1 on 1 coaching
I have a huge exercise library, so if you are unsure of how to do these exercises. Check it out here
The Warm-up
This is something people skip a ton.
But, this is a vital part of the 2 Days A Week Strength Training For BJJ.
This is going to get ready for the workout, but it is also going to act like a pre-hab to strengthen and mobilize weak areas.
So you can perform at your best and get hurt a lot less.
If you’re really stiff and have mobility issues. You can even use this on an off days as a mobility routine.
The Warm up
- Calf raises 15 reps
- Pec stretch(any kind you want) 60s
- Couch stretch 60s /
- 1/2 kneeling rotations 10/ side
- Deadbug-alternating arms and legs 10/
- Bridges 20
- Banded pull parts followed by banded face pulls 20 each
- Box Jumps 3x 5 rest 60s
Once, you get to know this, it shouldn’t take you longer than 10-12 minutes to do.
Workout 1
These workouts are going to use super sets to save time. You want to do the first exercise, then the second exercise. Repeat for the given amount of sets
Super set 1
Goblet Box Squat 4 sets of 10 reps( 1 light set and the last 3 should feel heavy) rest for 20s
MB Slam 4 sets of 5 reps as hard you can , rest for 60s
Super set 2
Seated Rows 4 sets of 15 reps ( 1 light set and the last 3 should feel heavy) rest 30s
Split squats 4 sets of 10 reps on each side ( 1 light set and the last 3 should feel heavy)
rest 60s
Super set 3
DB RDL 4 sets of 10 reps ( 1 light set and the last 3 should feel heavy) rest 30s
Push ups 4 sets of max reps ( 1 set of 5 and the last 3 max reps) rest 60s
Super Set 4 Core
Deadbugs Alt/.legs 10/ side
banded push down 30 reps
rest 30s 3 sets
Workout 2
Super set 1
DB Floor Press 4 sets of 10 reps( 1 light set and the last 3 should feel heavy) rest for 20s
Box Jumps 4 sets of 5 reps , rest for 60s
Super set 2
Neutral Grip Pulldown 4 sets of 12 reps ( 1 light set and the last 3 should feel heavy) rest 30s
Hip thrusters 4 sets of 20 reps on each side ( 1 light set and the last 3 should feel heavy)
rest 60s
Super set 3
Alt chest press 4 sets of 8 reps ( 1 light set and the last 3 should feel heavy) rest 30s
step ups 4 sets of 10 reps ( 1 light set and the last 3 should feel heavy) rest 60s
Super Set 4 Core
Pallof hold with band or cable 20s
seated banded or machine leg curl 30 reps
rest 30s 3 sets
Optional finisher to supercharge your BJJ Conditioning
I wanted to give you some optional finishers to improve your gas tank, you can do these after your strength training or on a separate day.

Air Bike Sprints
Sprint all out 5-10s , then rest 50-55 sec 6-10 round.
Make sure you go as hard as you can. My goal when I do this is to see, how many calories I can get in the interval and each sprint see if I can beat it.
Then do your best to control your breathing and drop your heart rate as low as you can during the recovery period.
Sled Drag/Loaded Carry
- Drag a heavy Sled backward for 100 feet
- Farmer Walk with 2 heavy Keetlbells for 100 Feet
- Rest 90s
- 3- 5 rounds
Be sure to be in a slight squat when you are dragging and go heavy
Farmer walk, keep a good upright position and crush the grip of the KBs with your hands
- Go 70-80% max intensity on the rower for 15 sec.
- Then go slow for 45 sec
- Repeat 10-20 x
This is a great one to build an aerobic base, if your conditioning is your weakness. The goal is to keep your average HR around 180 minus your age.
All three of these things will develop different aspects of your conditioning game
Air Bike– develops power during intense scrambles and your ability to recover activity after them.
Sled/loaded carry- Help you build relative strength and muscular endurance, so you can have the ability to hold position isometrically, without creating too much fatigue.
Rower- Aerobic conditioning, so you can recover better from training and in between rounds.
Any questions?
Go here for daily strength tips