12 Ways To Get Strong & Build Muscle in 2024

There is a new year coming up and I know many of us have high ambition . But, without the right mindsets and actions, we are doomed for failure. Here are 12 Ways To Get Strong & Build Muscle in 2024

12 Ways To Get Strong & Build Muscle

#1 Pain is our biggest motivator. Use it to drive you towards the actions, you need to take. Anger, fear and insecurities can be productive drivers. Just don’t use these to beat yourself up.

12 Ways To Get Strong & Build Muscle

#2 Forever or don’t bother. Getting into fitness is a life long journey and every goal takes more work, time, effort and patience, then you probably think. If you’re not going to workout forever, don’t bother.

#3 Short sighted people fail. People who play the short game, fail and get burned very quickly. Play, the long game. Do things you can do forever. Stay clear from fads and extreme solutions . Play the long game. Make working out as normal as brushing your teeth

#4 Strength training is the foundation of all physical qualities . If you want to change your body, lifting weights needs to be the bulk of your workout routine. Follow the basics of building strength.

Fall River Workouts

#5 Nutrition is simple but not easy. Eat enough protein, fruit and veggies. Drink enough water. Then adjust your portions of carbs and fat for your desired goals.

12 Ways To Get Strong & Build Muscle
Joe used both my strength and conditioning methods as well as follow solid nutrition principles

#6 Recognize your wins big or small. Although, using some pain to drive action power works great. Don’t forget to stop to recognize all the wins, you’re making. No matter how small. Simple things like showing up to do hard work, is a win. Show your self some love.

#7 Going to bed before 10pm and eating enough protein is going to be the best way you can recover from hard training.

#8 The condition of your aerobic fitness, can add years to your live and control how fast you recover.

#9 Doing a well written program , will always out perform random workouts. Need a workout program customized for you, go here

#10 Don’t underestimate the power of walking, for helping with fat loss , promoting overall better health and aiding in recovery. 1-3 , 15-20 minute walks can be a game changer.

Fall River Personal trainer
12 Ways To Get Strong & Build Muscle

#11 The best supplements are the ones, that you have a hard time getting in every day diet. For me my staples are

  • Vitamin D
  • Fish Oil
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium
  • Whey protein supplement

#12 Your workouts do not have to look like your sport, to improve your sport performance. Actually, if they do it will be counter productive.

12 Ways To Get Strong & Build Muscle
Want to change your body this year, be sure to join my online strength and conditioning program

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