The Moments

I was talking to my team training people on Saturday, when I ended up going on a rant about how important having a why is.

Then someone how, I turned it into telling them about my stepfather’s mother passing away and how at the funeral they were talking about all the great moments they had with her. It got me a little emotional. 

Funeral always, hit me in the face with the reality, that time fly by and you better not be wasting it.

What I thought about most though was moments. That’s what life is about and isn’t that what makes us happy? Is having these incredible moments with the people we love.

Sometimes I feel when we can’t!

We sedate ourselves with food, TV, facebook, working, and even training. But, we always would rather have these, instead of watching the latest prime-time show, at least I would.


I always will cherish the moments I had my sibling. I remember playing silly games with them more than I remember anything I got as kid.

This gave me a new perspective.

Is what I am focus most of my time going create or help me create great moments.

I’ll remember when I’m on my death bed.

I also asked myself and later asked my team trainees, in 20 years if you were in the same place you were now, how would that make you feel?

I told them this and I honestly believe this to be true. If your leaner, healthier, stronger and have more confidence and energy. Would it be easier to have more of these great moments?

How much is that worth to you?

Is it worth eating a little more vegetables and protein?

Is it worth dedicating 2-4 hours to exercise per week?

Do you owe these moments to your significant other, parent, kids and friends.

If it is, why is this fitness and healthy eating not a priority for most?

Honestly, I’m not sure. I think it is time level up though

Who’s with me?

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